Artist x Reader

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All the other survivors told horror stories about the Artist. They always said how wicked and malicious she was. How she was terrifying to go up against on trial and how she was pure evil.

But I never believed them.

I burned offering after offering to be taken to the Artist's realm. I wandered relentlessly through the boneyard until I was finally upon her slender form in the dark. She was always such a delight to be around. I was completely infatuated with her. I loved how soft her long black hair felt gliding between my fingers. I loved tracing over her perfect curves through her red dress. She was beyond beautiful, a true treasure in my naive eyes.

The Artist ran her inky hand like appendages all over my body. Her eyes were a soulless black, but her smile was sweet and warm. A murder of crows swarmed around us, cawing and souring through the air. I stared longingly into those black eyes, loving the feel of her gentle touch on me. The Artist had no tongue of her own but her actions spoke a thousand words.

"Carmina..." I uttered.

She hummed a quiet tune, the crows seeming to caw along with her. An inky hand grasped my cheek as I stared at her in amazement. Carmina pressed a small kiss to my lips, staining them with black. Her own fingers ran through my hair as she continued to hum for me. It was her way of telling me she loved me. How she didn't want to be without me. How she didn't want me to be alone. I felt the same way about dear Carmina, and continued to burn offerings to visit her boneyard til the very end.

Alas, the end was near.

I laid still on the ground in a puddle of my own blood. Carmina Mora loomed over me with her lips peeled back into an insane smile. All my friends were right. The Artist was wicked and malicious. She was terrifying to go up against and was pure evil.

Yet I still didn't want to believe it.

No, what Carmina and I had was special. She was once a gentle human like me. She had been tortured and battered and bruised. She had a good soul and heart... right? Maybe so, but the Entity had corrupted her into a hellbent killer of the night. She was a vicious villain in a long red dress, and not only did I fall in love with her, but I fell victim to her as well.

I thought she loved me.

I should have listened to the other survivors. I just couldn't help but be drawn in by the Artist's charm. She was an enigma, a mysterious women I grew dangerously fond of. But now, I laid on my back, choking on hot blood. She drove me insane.

Carmina hummed that soft tune with her lilted voice as she readied an inky claw. Crows cawed and circled my broken body from above. As I faded away from life itself, she sung her wordless song to me. It was happy and loving, something I thought we were together. How could I of let this cunning killer fool me?

I cried out in pain as her claw sunk home, deep within my stomach. My body jolted up and blood splattered from my mouth. I flopped back to the ground, my eyes hollow and lifeless, much like her own pools of black. A crow scuttled over and pecked at my cheek, lapping up fresh blood.

The Artist smirked before twirling around, her dress and hair flowing in the wind. If I were alive to see it, I was sure that I'd still gaze in awe at her beauty. She strutted away from my bleeding body, leaving it all alone. As it turned out, that was all Carmina wanted. For me to be alone. So she left my corpse there, so my wandering soul could be reminded of what I no longer had.

My dearest Carmina.

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