Cannibal x Fem!Killer!Reader

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Unknown location, 1930

Little flickers of red liquid sprinkled upon my face. It felt warm and thick, giving off a metallic smell I had never really smelt before. My brain kept trying to convince me that what was happening before me wasn't real.

No, the blood's not real. No, those aren't screams. Oh, no. Your mother's fine. She's fine.

But still I heard her scream. I still felt her sickly hot blood on my young face. My Uncle Benjamin was still hurting her.

They were arguing about something before it came to this. I didn't know what about, but it must've been serious. I came into the kitchen to see my mother, only to find uncle Benjamin beating her.

"Ma!" I cried out.

She screamed shrilly before uncle Benjamin clamped his big hand around her throat. He then groped the kitchen table for something, his hand finding a large knife. My mother choked out one last scream as the sharp object plunged deep within her chest.

The screaming didn't stop though, I screamed now too.

Uncle Benjamin barely even acknowledged I was there with him in the kitchen. I remembered backing into the corner and sinking down to the floor. I remembered hugging my knees to my chest and crying into them, the blood on my face smearing all over my dress. It got even worse when my father came in. He bursted through the door, yelling and asking what the screaming was about. Not another sound was uttered out of his mouth when he saw what was inside.

My mother, his wife, stabbed to death on the floor. His daughter, me, cowering in the corner. And then there was my uncle, his brother-in-law, wielding a knife. It didn't take very long for uncle Benjamin to roar out a battle cry and strike my father with the bloody blade. Over and over again did the knife impale the younger man. Poor daddy never stood a chance to such an insane man like my uncle Benjamin.

No, the blood's not real. No, those aren't screams. Oh, no. Your father's fine. He's fine.

Finally uncle Benjamin stilled, slowly standing over the two mutilated bodies. The knife was gripped hard in his wet hand, turning red stained knuckles white. The man breathed hard, letting the blade clatter to the floor. His breathing soon slowed back to normal as the adrenaline rush wafted away.

Finally, uncle Benjamin looked over at me.

I was up on my feet in no time, tearfully making my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Uncle Benjamin growled.

I shrieked and bolted away from him. Just as I reached the door, I felt his large hand grip the back of my dress, tugging me back into the kitchen. My screams became so desperate and croaky, it felt like I was ripping my vocal cords apart.

"You ain't going anywhere." Uncle Benjamin grinned like a madman.

I didn't know how I got out of that alive. Somehow my uncle spared me. After the death of my parents, he dragged me off by the hair to his and his mother's farm. That was where I spent the rest of my days until they were both arrested. But we would get into that later.

Life on the farm was no walk in the park. Especially in my situation as you could just imagine. My grandmother Elizabeth and my uncle Benjamin were just plain awful. Plain evil. Life was hell and torture and not just for me. Somehow, I didn't know how, uncle Benjamin managed to get my older cousin here too. Cousin Jim was thirteen years old, three years older than me. Jim was just like me, and I was somewhat glad to have a friendly face like him around.

As rough as my life was here at the farm, I knew that I actually got it easy. Jim was the unfortunate one out of the two of us. You see, if you thought that uncle Benjamin would stop at my parents, you were dead wrong.

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