Child!Killers x Fem!Reader

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I could feel the Entity was angry with me. Like, literally. I could physically feel its growls of displeasure rumbling deep within my chest. Now, it wasn't for anything bad. Well, not too bad. What was it then? Was I a killer? Not sacrificing enough survivors? Nope, not that. A survivor? Who had completely given up and was just food for the void? Well, yes and no. Yes, I was a survivor. But no, I had not given up. In fact, quite the opposite.

The Entity was mad at me because I played too dirty.

First of all: get your mind out of the gutter. Second of all: I was a complete menace when on trial. I didn't dare be one of those submissive little survivors who scampered away as soon as the killer grabbed their buddy. Or who just let them throw them on that hook without a decent fight or yelling some profanities. No way! Couldn't be me. I never let a killer go without at least a good scratch or bruise.

When on trial, I was there to make the killer's day so much harder. Wanna chase me? Prepare for a kick in the groin. Hit me with your weapon? I'd make you eat it. Throw me over your shoulder? I'd sucker punch you in the back of the head as hard as I could. Oh, you better prayed I didn't survive you hooking me. If I did manage to get off it and let's be honest, I always did, you would be in a world of pain. Ironic, huh?

Anyway, I guessed the Entity grew sick of it. It took it awhile though. Usually it had no problem with my behaviour. In fact, it kind of enjoyed it. But time went on, and I had been here for much longer now. I grew more aggressive with the killers, making sure they didn't hurt me or other survivors. Some of them were almost scared of me. That made it hard sometimes for killers to sacrifice the other survivors because I was always in the way. In conclusion: I was a massive pain in the arse. When killers often came back from trials with gashes, bruises or other injuries, the Entity decided it needed to do something about it.

And what it decided on was the most goofy, slapstick, ridiculously batshit insane thing I had ever laid eyes on.

I stood in the middle of Raccoon City Police Station, a total of thirty-one children staring up at me with their big ol' freakish eyes. Now I knew what you were thinking: what the fuck? Oh, wait. No, that was what I was thinking.

What the fuck? I thought.

Yeah, see? Told you.

The thirty-one children who scampered about the grand foyer of the police station, all glared cute little daggers into me. I couldn't believe the Entity had done this. In order for me to soften up and stop hurting the killers, it turned them all into children for me to fucking babysit. Except the Dredge. I didn't know where it was. Sorry, but respectfully, fuck that thing. It scared the living shit out of me. But the other freaky creature was here! Speaking of, the little baby Demogorgon scurried on over to me, opening up its mouth and hissing at me.

"Whoa, hey!" I backed away from the baby Demo, raising my hands up in a surrender.

The other killers all trickled closer to me in a little swarm. I couldn't move forward or backwards, worried I'd squish one and then the Entity would be pissed. The Trickster, small as ever, shoved through the crowd to stand in front of me.

"Hey there, baby. Looking good. Real good." He flirted at me in his little kiddie voice.

A sheer look of horror made its way onto my face. What was he now? Like, six? That was so wrong.

"Excuse me? I'm old enough to be your mum now, little kid!" I sputtered in embarrassment.

The Trickster laughed, winking at me with his yellow eyes. I shivered in revulsion. Many more of the little killers tried talking to me all at once. But to me, it just sounded like whining. The four Legion members were tugging on my pants and trying to climb up me. I stumbled back a little, their creepy masks smiling up at me.

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