Trapper x Siren!Glasses!Reader

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Some things you had to learn the hard way. When I was first scooped up by the Entity, it was difficult to cope. Night after night, trial after trial, and death after death. I would die, and I would have to watch my friends die. It was a vicious cycle that could make the most stable person go mad. So what did I do about it? What did I distract myself with to help ease the pain?

I sang.

It was only then that I found out the dark truth about myself. It was when I finally realised what I truely was. I was a bit shy around the other survivors, so I went on walks near the campsite when I wanted to sing. As I walked through the foggy forest under the pale moonlight, I sang a soft tune to myself. My seductive, lilted voice rang through the night air in an alluring flow.

When a small murder of crows began to trail after me, I thought none of it. But then that murder grew larger, and larger. I soon stopped singing and adjusted my glasses, looking down at them all in confusion. The crows peered back up at me with their beady eyes, cawing and cooing to me affectionately.

"You like my singing?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

I crouched down by the birds, them moving around me like moths to flame. A few brave ones came right up, gently pecking or nuzzling against my feet. I smiled down at them before opening my mouth to sing again. The murder of crows was more like a swarm now, scuttling around my form. Some were circling above my head as well, cooing along with the song.

This was so strange! Why did they react this way to my singing? At first I thought I was some sort of bird whisperer, until some fellow survivors rocked up too. Dwight, Jake and Ace emerged from the shrubbery.

"Boys? How'd you find me?" I asked in surprise.

The three men stared at me as if they were hypnotised. The crows paid them no mind, their affection strictly fixated on me.

"We heard your voice." Dwight said flatly.

I noticed his eyes behind his own glasses were almost clouded over, like he was in a trance. My gaze snapped to Jake and Ace who stood on either side of him, them with that same look on their faces. I had strayed quite far away from the campsite tonight. There was no way that they could've even heard me singing from this distance. What did this mean?

Siren. A dark voice whispered.

It seemed that only I heard it. The murder of crows cawed, begging me to sing again. The three survivors stood there stiff as statues. The voice continued to utter dark things into my ear. I knew that it was none other than Entity itself, prodding its way into my brain. It told me I could lure others with just the sound of my singing voice. Men, for the most part.

Nothing surprised me anymore. Certainly not after living in this realm for so long. This bizarre discovery about myself was almost normal when it came to my life. But I just had one question...

Was I always a 'siren'...? Or did the Entity make me into this to lure it some victims?

Macmillan Estate, one month later

I hummed to myself as I snuck over to a nearby generator. I corrected my glasses on the bridge of my nose, only to then notice something nestled in the long grass. Almost right next to the generator, sat a bear trap.

"Trapper..." I muttered.

I took note of the trap and crouched by the generator, attempting to repair it. As my hands worked on wires and gears and gizmos, I began to sing. It had become a bit of a habit for me, really. My singing actually helped me focus with generators sometimes. So as I did so, I was too wrapped up to realise that Bill was coming up. It took me a few moments, but I finally looked up at him with a shy smile.

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