Day 3

21 2 6

Date: 20.9.21

Joke: Have you heard about the new restaurant called Karma? There's no menu, you get what you deserve!

Quote: "This guy is finally what I want, The friend I need, Just mates, no chemistry, I get him and he gets me" - All You Wanna Do by the company of Six the Musical

So I guess today was pretty good. I got to get out of playing dodgeball in gym, which was nice. Then I had a dentists appointment and I watched the last part of The Good Dinosaur and the beginning of Raya and the Last Dragon while my teeth were cleaned. I really liked the Raya movie when I watched it first, I don't know why though. The girl doing my teeth was kinda weird though. She literally started talking about how she used to be close with her brother but couldn't be now because she was friends with his ex wife and his current wife didn't like her. Then she said she was friends with the ex wife cause she was the mother of her niece. Idk... really weird convo to have though.

I got a lot of math done during the class time I have which was nice, cause a lot of the time I waste a lot of it watching Larry vids 😉. Then, in English, we are reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. (I finished it early, and I honestly think it's overrated. The only good scene is the court scene and even then it's super short and not super interesting. Lemme know what you guys think if you've read it. ) In class today we watched clips from the movie and compared it to the book and I officially hate the movie. It ruins the book completely. The book is generally better than the movies anyways.

Then I had climbing practice with my team, who are all my besties (as well as you guys), which was super fun! I got up a 5.12a on lead for the first time today! (Sorry but I'm not gonna explain it too much- it was a super hard climb where I have to clip as I go up) I also had to play emotional support friend because my friend got freaked out because of a bad fall while leading, cause she's still kinda new to leading. But yeah, pretty good day.

It was really rainy and gloomy today, plus it's a Monday, so my head was all over the place, but generally okay. The last half of the day went by super fast but yeah.

Also I have suspicions that maybe one of my friends reads Harry Potter fanfics because she suggested we try to write a really funny/ joking fanfic with Harry Potter characters in it... kinda sus not gonna lie, but whatever

Kk, i know it's kinda short but I gotta go to bed, love you guys <3

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