Day 49

2 1 0

Date: 5.11.21

Joke: Why aren't koalas real bears? They don't meet the koalafications!

Quote: "Like a shot of good luck, I got a puppy and a truck, If you see us rolling up, Thumbs up" - Puppy and A Truck by Jenny Lewis

She sang this at HSLOT Nashville night one when I went and it was my favorite song so I'm super happy she finally released it!!

Today was nice. When I biked to school this morning I had to get out my big winter coat instead of layering clothes. Then, at school was pretty boring cause today is my "day off" with casual classes. I keep telling myself I have lots of homework but I really don't. Then I got home and watched the first two episodes of Freelancers season 2 made by JK Studios! (I put the trailer of season 1 above for you guys! I highly recommend it! They're hilarious!)

Then I finished the new season of legacies and it breaks my heart it's done. Then I watched lots of performance videos from a lot of the boys while I worked on making a friendship bracelet. And basically that's what I did all afternoon. I made myself a black ring and a black, white, and purple ring (ace colors minus gray cause I didn't have gray). So I can wear those now! I also made an ace bracelet. Of course my parents will never know about me being ace but here's a hint.

I have to get up super early tomorrow so I've got to head to bed. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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