Day 4

10 1 0

Date: 21.9.21

Joke: Whats the difference between ignorance and apathy? Don't know don't care!

Quote: "You must think that I'm crazy, you wanna replace me, baby, there's n-n-n-no way, You made me a wife so I'll be queen till the end of my life" - No Way from Six the Musical

It's like almost 11 and I had to stay up doing hw so sorry for late update. Today was pretty blah. I had climbing practice with my high school team today, and we didn't really do anything interesting. Ummm let's see, my dog was super cute today:

It was pouring this morning but by the end of the day it was beautiful! So depressing morning but happy ending I guess

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It was pouring this morning but by the end of the day it was beautiful! So depressing morning but happy ending I guess.
I am sick and tired of reading To Kill A Mockingbird. I literally have been sitting trying to do annotations for 30 pages for the last 2 hrs... I hate it.

I also woke up thinking it was Friday so figuring out it was Tuesday kinda ruined my mood a bit.

I may be just a tad obsessed with six the musical... it's the only thing that's been playing all day...

Oh I made my math teacher laugh today with these jokes:
Have you heard the joke about the statistician? Probably
Teacher: why are you turning in a blank piece of paper?
Student: because all my answers are imaginary numbers!

I also wanted to quickly talk about Harry's outfit last night... it made me think of dr Seuss and cat in the hat... sorry Harry lambert but you've gotta try harder man. This is getting kinda repetitive... what did you guys think?

Yeah so I've gotta go to bed, love you guys, hopefully I can plan better tomorrow to have a longer update!

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