Day 88

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Date: 13.12.21
Joke: How do you comfort a grammar teacher? Say... "they're, there, their"!

Quote: "You can't drive around with a tiger in your car, But you can be happy if you've a mind to" - You Can't Rollerskate In A Buffalo Field by Roger Miller

Earlier entry- I love and hate my life at the same time. Why do I have to be so emotional? It makes it rough to do anything.

Now, I'm feeling much better. I hate hormones though. I literally have had a switch of emotions. It used to be a dimmer switch but now it's one of the ones that is flat and really easy to accidentally hit and turn lights on. It's really annoying. But whatever. I'm still alive aren't I.

So today I had my chemistry midterm first thing. It was 70 questions in 80 minutes and it was longggg... very invigorating though. I like long tests. Anddddd I mayyyy have gotten a 100!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course my teacher made a big deal out of it, cause I was the only one all day.... But yeah!! I got another trophy to add to my shelf! Then I had my German midterm and it was like reading comprehension but in German. It didn't make much sense but I've got good grades in that class so I think I'll be fine. I had an open day in APHuG... so I learned all the countries in Africa. Now I know all the americas, Europe, Africa and most of Asia. It's nuts. It was a really really long day. Basically shut down after German. I was very quiet and passive aggressive and I'm not sorry my friends had to deal with it cause it happens and they didn't have to make a big deal out of it. One of my "friends" literally like almost attacked me cause of it. I was trying to minimize my meanness and she literally confronted me like "y you being so passive aggressive today? Did I do something?" And she like tried to play the victim and I hated it so I shut myself up really fast. Whatever, it's over. But after school I had climbing!

Climbing literally makes my day so so much better!! Not to mention seeing E! I walked into the gym and E ran into me and gave me the biggest hug ever and I hugged her back so hard!! It really made all my troubles go away. I was kinda mad at our coaches during practice though cause we had our holiday "party" today and it was supposed to be after practice and we do like a white elephant gift exchange. But no. They had to take about half our actual practice time to do it. And it was one of those left/ right stories where every time it says something you move the gifts accordingly. Really weak. Not super fun at all. Sadly. But we projected and I'm getting super close at this v7! It will be my first and I really really really want to get it! So we had to project for the little practice time we really had and then do the exchange and then do workout. During workout I got 10 pull-ups in a row!! I haven't been able to do that in a while (mainly cause we normally work hard during practice, grr) but yeah felt great. Then I got to stay and climb after.

I love E so much. I keep trying to find more times for us to hang out but my family is too busy and I have to respect that. I can't wait till I can drive.

I think I'm gonna end this a bit early cause I want to keep working on E's Christmas present.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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