Day 58

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Date: 14.11.21
Joke: Gravity and I respectfully disagree.

Quote: "Fuck" "Arrrgh" "Dang it!" *incessant pounding on desk* - me surprisingly

Today was packed full of maths. Just all Math. I was up at like 8am, and I laid in bed for a while just kinda chilling. Then I got up, did some legit revising for math, then took my multiple choice section of my Math midterm. It was 35 questions with a 90 min time limit, talk about stress. I put some solid dents in my wooden desk, cried about 3 times and then just gave up by the end of it. I ended up completely guessing on 6 of them, got all but 2 right. I got a 94.3!!! That's awesome, if you ask me!!!

Then after that p a I n f u l experience, I took Virgil on a walk, and sang along to all too well ten minute version while I walked. I almost have all the words down... almost. Then I came back and helped tidy up the house. Then I went out to dinner with my mom, dad and bro. The other bro stayed at home to do idk what. At the place we went, they played Adore You! I literally started dancing and singing to it as it came on!! Then they played Put Your Records On by Ritt momney! It was a wholesomely fun experience.

When we got home, I organized my school stuff then decided to take the free response part of my midterm.... Then it all went downhill. So on the free response you have to write out, in words, every step and justify literally everything, even if you are just adding or whatever. It was 4 questions, each with at least 5 parts... it took 5 hours to finish it, and 30 pages packed with work and explanations. I literally just barely finished it. No breaks in between either. Brain dead and emotionally spent.

At least I have a light math week ahead and it should be kinda chill... actually I have a chem test this week. Never mind. I think we'll be alright though. Just have done a whole bunch of math recently. Specifically this weekend. Oh man, do I love math though! I complain about it and rant about how hard it is, but I truly truly love it!

K im gonna go to bed so I'm not a complete zombie tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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