Day 103

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Date: 28.12.21
Joke: There are three types of people in this world. Here they are: those who can count and those who cannot count.

Quote: "I can't get it out of my head, Life's a bitch, pretty soon we'll be dead, I'm dissociating right now, Take my hand and we'll figure it out" - Cry with you by Jeremy Zucker

So I decided to start part of this early cause we are driving to the next resort we are gonna ski at, and I just yeah. I just rewatched Luca on the drive and it made me sad. Cause it reminded me of something. I couldn't put my finger on it until it hit me. It was similar to me and E. And her "new" boyfriend B (I forget if I explained it here, but basically they have been really really good friends for a while. Then about a month ago, B asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend. She freaked out cause she was still damaged from her last relationship - bad friend support and nobody helped her through it at all. I wish I was there to help her.- and so she said no. But then for Christmas she said it was okay. She had thought it over and decided because I was there to help support her if it went wrong and she really liked him, it was okay. So yeah, now they're "dating" just haven't done anything yet cause we're still on break). But Luca reminded me of it.... And I kinda hurts. The more I think about it, she's Luca, I'm Alberto, and B is giulia. At some point I feel like they're gonna go away together and I will support it and know it's alright but it will hurt. I just thought it was a sad ending to Luca. Separate dreams separate the best of friends... ouch that hurt to write. So yeah having a mini breakdown rn.

I'm back. It's been like 30 min. I'm doing okay now. Bennett helps a lot. But I remembered something that happened today that I wanted to put in here before I forget it again. So when I was warming up my frozen fingers and toes in the lodge while skiing today, there was a big family that was getting ready to head out. There was a little girl who looked to be like 8 years old. She couldn't get her ski boot off, so I offered to help and we got it off. Then a few minutes later she said "you're nice." In that innocent way kids do. And I said "thank you, I try." And then she said "I can see how you try." And it melted my heart and it was amazing. Being Kind can go sooo far. And with little kids it's easier for them to be more willing because they aren't aware of all the complications in the world. It just made my day.

I'm gonna go over what I did today, so I don't forget. So i was up early and got ready for skiing. Then we skiied and it was awesome!!!! I had sooo much fun!! My knee wasn't janky until I had done quite a few good runs, which was nice. It was flippin cold though. It was -6 F or -20 C. Yeah it was colldddddd. And I had tons and tons of layers on but I was still cold. My toes went numb and my fingertips almost got there too. I had fun though! And we got a little bit of powder too! It made the groomed trails nice. So we skiied a half day or so, and then went to eat "breakfast" at a pancake place. It was superrr good! I got strawberries and vanilla whipped cream on top of my pancakes and it was amazing! We got back to my uncles house and packed up our stuff and loaded it up. Then he gave us a pan of fudge to take with us! It's reallyyy good! I ate maybe just a bit more than I should've earlier. I'm good now, I just have to burn it off soon before it becomes fat. I've already slacked enough. I need to workout again. Or go climb. I really want to go climb but it hasn't worked out yet. So now we're driving down to our next ski resort. (Note to me of which one it is -PC). We'll have to see how the snow is here. Should be decent. Hopefully. I don't think anything's gonna bear BM though. We're almost to our destination so I'm gonna stop for a sec.

I'm back! Like 2 hrs later. So we went to hang out it with my cousins who are in town this week. I haven't seen them in a couple years, but it was crazy lemme tell you. We had most of the cousins there at my grandparents house and it got chaotic really fast. Just became a lot and I'm glad we left. Love my cousins but I do not need to "just hang" with them. I'll do stuff with them but I won't just lay around. Im sick and tired of just laying around all afternoon. Then on the way back to our hotel for just tonight we got some food - I didn't, I ate already. And now we're getting ready for bed.

Im super tired and this has been a longgg entry so im gonna end this here. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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