Day 172

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Date: 7.3.22
Joke: doctor: so it turns out your DNA is backwards. Me: and?

Quote: "Try it 😁👍" - Freeze Your Brain from the Heathers

Today was a good day but I'm literally about to crash I'm so exhausted. I was up early this morning so I could be to school early to study for my chem test first thing. Then I took it and got a 96, and had a kinda chill ish rest of the day.

Then I had climbing practice after biking home in the rain- it was super fun but I got soaked. At practice we did flash or trash on lead and then our strength stations from earlier practices. It was pretty fun I'd say. At the beginning we were trying to figure out how to do a human chain on the Boulder wall but it didn't end up working out... could've been cool though, maybe that's what we do one fun practice. But yeah, then after practice me and C did a round of abs (should've done more but didn't really have time) and then he and E tried a new 11d on slab that looks pretty fun. I think I may try it next practice if we project.

Then I was picked up and we had to go pick up my bro from lacrosse practice but they weren't done and I was hungry so we got sandwiches and I ate my entire sandwich but I'm still hungry and yeah, super tired so I'm in bed

I've had beautiful from heathers stuck in my head all day...

GTKYQ: dum dums (suckers) or jolly ranchers (hard candy you suck on)? I'm going with dum dums here

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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