Day 105

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Date: 30.12.21
Joke: My New Years resolution is to stop procrastinating... but I'll start working on that tomorrow!

Quote: "There is a fine line between freedom and permission. The former is necessary. The latter is dangerous — perhaps the most dangerous thing the species that created me has ever faced" - The Thunderhead (Scyth Book 2)

Wow. A lot happened and I've got to do this quick again. So we were all up at like 6 cause the boys wanted to leave at like 7.15 to go ski, they wanted to have first chair. Annoyinggg cause we got there at like 8 and have to wait around for an hour for the lifts to even start! But we waited and they got first chair. We skiied for a solid 3/4 day (with lunch in the middle). So like 9-2.30. My knees were killing me by the end. They hurt sooo much. They are still kinda bothering me. So we came back changed and everyone but me and my mom went down to see my grandparents and hang out with the other cousins. My mom took me to go climb!! Finally!! It was pretty good, I'm very weak rn though. I ripped some solid skin off but it was a really cool gym. So i lasted for about an hour and a half but then I got tired and we needed to head back so I called it. We stopped to get smoothies and my raspberry one was super good! But on the way back it was a whiteout, in the canyon too, it was a very stressful slow drive back but we made it! Supposed to storm all night and the Mtn already has 6 in of snow! So we were ordered straight to bed when we got back so here we are.

I'm sooo tired and just barely keeping it together. Literally my uncles house is packed to the brim with people. Like basically my entire family is stuck in a single room for everything. I know some people have to live like this all the time, so I'm grateful we can still stay here but ya know? It's getting to be a bit much. Glad I could avoid the cousins this evening though.

The skiing today was awesome!!!!! We got fresh pow!! And basically first tracks in it too!! And the fresh groom with a little bit of powder is amazing to ski!!! It was superrr fun! As it got skiied out it got kinda worse though.

I'm literally about to pass out I'm so tired so thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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