Day 169

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Date: 4.3.22
Joke: something with frogs... idk
Quote:"I love you cause I don't love me, I don't think I deserve better, but we deserve better" - Better by Jordy Searcy

Today was a good day but I'm literally struggling to keep my eyes open while writing this so we'll see how this goes.

I had school, which was super fun! I played some v e r y intensive rounds of blitz and P finally came to join our circle! It was epic!! Then in English I plugged out a 6 pg essay...

Then climbing was super duper trooper fun!! The one worker that can control the music was there! We listened to a mix of 2010-2010s songs! It was awesome!!! Although a whole bunch of teen girls singing off pitch pretty loud gives some people some interesting expressions 😂, but yeah it was awesome! I had tons of fun! We did Boulder projecting and I day flashed the white v5!! Then I worked on the v7 in the roof. Then we did doubles on lead the entire time that was left. They didn't even attempt to do workout. So once we had ended, I went up and did my workout anyways.

Then my mom took forever to get to picking me up cause we had to take my bro and his friend to some school event they wanted to go to. Yeah then when I got home, I ate dinner, and kinda chilled for a bit.

And then..... I finished Champions wrath!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭it's overrrrr, temporarily. I'm gonna miss augum, leera, Bridget, Olaf, jengo, priya, cry, haylee, laudine, jez, senior arcanoligist Ning, mr okeke, Leland, Mrs stone, Charles, prince Darby, Katrina, Samuel sepherin, king Rupert, and all of them.... It is an amazing series, I hope you read it. It's the Fury of a rising dragon series by sever Bronny- you'll want to read the Arinthian line series first if you haven't already. But I finished the 270,000 word masterpiece.

Then I joined my parents in watching groundhogs day but it was just kinda strange so I went somewhere else and hung out with my bro.

And now im literally gonna collapse from exhaustion to im gonna finish this

GTKYQ; favorite day of the week? I'd say Tuesday or Wednesday

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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