Day 99

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Date: 24.12.21
Joke: What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? It's Christmas, Eve!

Quote: "cause all the kids are depressed, nothing ever makes sense, I'm not feeling alright, staying up till sunrise, and hoping shit is okay, pretending we know things, I don't know what happened, my natural reaction is that we're scared." - all the kids are depressed by Jeremy Zucker

I just realized I'll read day 100 of this on Christmas! Cool, but kinda wish it wasn't that day....

Well, first off, happy birthday Louis!! 💙💙 you literally have helped me accept myself and encouraged me to keep pushing through the rough times. I can't believe you've led 30 wonderful years! Can't wait to see what the future has in store!

Merry Christmas Eve for those who celebrate as well! (we kinda celebrate but not really)

So let's do today: I was up at 6, like I have been, laid around till 7, then took a shower and got ready to ski. Pretty soon everyone was ready and we went off to go ski. we got 5 in of snow last night! I would say it was a fun powder day but it kinda wasn't. So the ice and dirt and uncovered grossness from the last couple days were just covered by dense heavy snow. Not fun. It took so much work to turn in the powder (which I expected) and trying to dodge the crap. Didn't really work out. The first run was pretty good, I guess. Pretty fresh not too skiied out. But by the third, it was rough. I had to literally fight to get down the mountain in control. My quads were burning, my shins were constantly sore and my feet were half numb. It took tonssss of work. After about a half day of skiing, I had to stop cause a run almost blew out my left knee. It literally almost gave way a couple of times, and I almost snowballed like 3-4 times. This was a sign I was tired and getting reckless which is like the perfect time to get injured. And I can't risk that if I want to ski any more.

So I was picked up by my dad (cause he stayed with my youngest bro cause he's in a cast for his wrist) and went back to the condo. Just chilled for a whileee. Watched some Louis tiktok compilations in honor of his birthday. Then I did half the ab workout I did the other day. Then my mom and bro came back from the mountain and we kinda hung out together. Started looking through the movies the condo peoples had. We landed on Insurgent and started watching that as a family, but within 15 min the kids were bored and so we left up to my room to watch the end of the new matrix movie. Turns out I had parent restrictions on it, making it so I can't watch R-rated movies. So I got my bros to watch A Week Away with me! It was fun seeing their reactions. Then we all went hot tubing" under the stars". You couldn't see many cause of the clouds from the rain/hail/thunder storm that was happening while we watched a week away. And got ready for bed and here I am.

I got new socks the other day that have some shin padding for my boots and they really help. My shins aren't that sore today.

I'm tired. We've been away from home for almost a week now. Idk how I've survived.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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