Day 161

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Date: 24.2.22
Joke: What do you get if you come in fourth at the National Weatherman Awards?
A precipitation trophy!

Quote: "I don't really need this pressure to go, if you wanna find love, if you wanna find something more, I'll be the one to run for you" - Take Shelter by Years & Years

Today was another good day, kinda all over the place but ya know that's how it goes sometimes. This morning I left late for school... but that's alright it was a good morning, very relaxed which was nice. Then school was pretty good I'd say. I brought Dutch blitz and taught quite a few of my friends how to play, and we had some intense games! It was awesome! Then the rest of school was pretty good, I mean a super common topic was the invasion of Ukraine- if anyone who reads this is from Ukraine I am sorry and I wish you safety! - and I get that it's a big event, but everyone was jumping to conclusions and just created a whole bunch of stressful vibes from talking about it and I was not having it. But I got over it pretty quickly, was super productive today! Kinda maybe failed my English quiz but whatever... (6/9) it's curbed a bit, so hopefully not terrible. I did prove my theory that when I'm exhausted I do better on English tests though. I was not tired today sooo yeah.

Then I came home and chilled for about an hour before I went climbing. I went and Boulder projected for about 30 min before E showed up. I got a yellow v4 in the roof!! Then we kinda projected for a while, and I tried a v7 and got like halfway up! And also tried a v6 as well. Then we made up dynos to work on dynamic moves, then went upstairs to our spray wall and made climbs for each other, it was super fun! I really like hanging out with her, even if I'm all over the place! It was nice and chill but we still did stuff, we got to climb for fun and it was awesome!

Then I came home and talked with my parents about our summer plans. Then I played a couple rounds of blitz with my brother instead of doing hw, and now I'm in bed!

Today was a really good day, although my headspace was everywhere at climbing... really just fine and then delirious and then fine again and then couldn't talk right and then delirious it was baddddd, but ya know 🤷‍♀️

Tomorrow is Friday!!! Wooo!!!

GTKYQ: what's one of the craziest dreams you've had? I once played poker against Harry styles and won against him! Then his boyfriend Louis came to play with us and he beat me. It was super fun and chill though!

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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