Day 33

5 1 4

Date: 20.10.21

Joke: Why didn't the sun go to school? Cause it already had a million degrees!

Quote: "Don't stop until you're proud" -Anonymous

Finally Free by Niall Horan is playing right now and I love this song so much. It always makes me happy.

Today was really nice, just long. I was up just barely on time, went to chem tutoring in the morning, where a whole bunch of jock- ish boys were on the tables trying to clean off the cabinets. Big shocker but they didn't get anything cleaned off at all. 🙄

Then in chem she had to kinda ruin my fascination by teaching us about electron configuration and the notation to write it out. She literally was like, does anyone want to solve this wave equations? And I was like yes yes that looks so fun. Then she said, well if you are going to take big kid chem (ap/ib chem. Idk why she calls it that) this is what you do but not us! So yeah. Bummed about that.

Then we got to go outside in APHuG and Art which was awesome! It was so pretty out! I wish I had classes that actually are outside every day.

Then I had climbing after school which I really enjoyed even though I didn't do very much. I got to stay for like an hour afterwards, so I worked on a V5 and I am 2 moves from the top!

I tried doing math tonight but then my dad yelled at me for still being awake when it was only 9:30... so I had to go to bed and now I'm behind on math. I think I'll try to catch up tomorrow morning.

Now I'm on my way to bed but I have some wp reading to catch up on. MMB and You You You have been updated!! Gonna read that after this.

I found out one of my classmates plays hockey on the same team as my brother, just different age group! It's pretty cool cause I didn't know anyone in my grade still played hockey! My bro doesn't know him though.

The video I linked at the beginning is now my favorite video of like all time. It is 100% completely perfect. Period.

My rock climbing friend group is kinda getting on my nerves a little bit. There are two girls who are super sweet but they tend to make drama about nothing. I think they have slight self confidence problems and a little bit of social awkwardness which contributes to to, but they can't seem to just interact with people without overthinking it a lot. I mean, I over analyze my conversations, but I don't turn it into drama like they do. It just gets annoying cause they're always arguing with each other about it and then ranting to the rest of the group starting even more drama. Like today,  they hadn't even talked to our coach and they were complaining about being ignored?! Like that doesn't make sense. And also, we do a daily joke, riddle, national day, and quote now (not my quote, just started it today) every morning to start off the day right. And now all of them are complaining about it because they get like 10 texts in the morning about all these things. I'm like, what did you expect? I almost want to snap at them and cut ties for a little bit but I know I won't be able to get back in if I do that because of this circle of drama. Just annoying, but I am trying to stay out of it as much as I can. I think it's just how they are and are gonna be.

I really want to spend more time outside but I just don't have the time to. Two weeks ago I talked to one of my friends on a phone call while I walked the neighborhood before I got ready for bed. I got to watch the sun set and watch it get dark. It's so pretty! And it was very relaxing. Maybe I start doing that again, try and connect with people who I haven't talked to in a while. We'll see.

I should probably end this if I wanna read these chapters before going to bed at a reasonable time... thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

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