Day 37

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Date: 24.10.21

Joke: How many times can you subtract 10 from 100? Once. The next time you would be subtracting 10 from 90.

Quote: "Is there anyone in particular you'd like to come out to? I mean it's only for yourself... By the way, when I wave the flag, you're officially out. I've heard that's how it works" - Harry Styles (LOT 23.10.21)

Today was nice. I actually got some stuff done. I was up at 9.20 and I know it's late but I'm trying to let myself have as much sleep as I can over the weekends. Then I got up and had cereal for breakfast, took Virgil on a quick walk, and then took my math test. I got a 98!! Only cause the computer was formatting one of the questions wrong, so basically a 100%! I'm super happy about it and I had to cram the formulas anyways so now I probably have them stored somewhere.

After that, I watched highlights from last nights show of Harry's. I teared up when he did the coming out 😭I wish I could do something like that. It would be amazayn. It hit me hard when he screamed "freedom!" Yeah so that happened.

Then my dad had stopped to get us sandwiches so I ate those, then I started my APHuG reading notes from the textbook. I started watching the new Legacies season while I did that, cause I can't just take notes. It's pretty good but idk yet. Also, I did watch TVD over quarantine but I wasn't a huge fan. I actually had watched legacies before TVD so I like it more. Idk, we'll see how the season goes.

Once I finished those notes, I did some organizing and got ready for the week. It was actually a pretty productive day. This week is gonna be packed though. Lots happening. On Friday, Ed Sheeran's album "=" comes out, Conan Gray released a single, and I've got to head to a climbing comp. I also take the PSAT on Tuesday... so yep.

this is kinda short but that's about it. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

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