Day 165

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Date: 28.2.22
Joke: What rock band has four guys that don't sing? Mount Rushmore!

Quote: "Did things get better, or did we get used to it?" - Better by The Vamps

Today was a good day but of course B had to ruin it at the end, but I'm doing much better now thanks to E.

So school today was alright, I mean it was kinda boring but I played some legit games of blitz. It was pretty blah but it was gorgeous outside so lunch was super nice.

Hang on I've got to stop this to say that I fucking love E so much. She literally has helped me through all my panic attacks and has helped prevent them, and we are able to have deep conversations and just be open about everything, and I just, I just fucking love her. And I'm not gonna apologize cause I'm not fucking sorry for it.

Then I was picked up from school and we went straight to climbing. I was there early so I got to hang out with E for a while before practice. It was awesome! And it sounds like I can have my first job this summer!!!! I'm gonna help at my rock gyms summer camps and get paid for it!!!! I'm super excited!!! It will be awesomeeee!!

But then we had climbing where we did lead projecting and I got my project on the slab! It was super fun! And then we did our strength stations and I upped my weights for weighted pull-ups to 12.5 lbs and my fly's to 8 lbs and my presses and curls to 10. I felt super strong today!

Then it was ZBr bday and she brought doughnuts so we celebrated but I didn't have a doughnut cause I don't like them, but I hung out with all the team. It was super fun. And at the beginning of practice B was acting like a very beginner climber and it was hilarious, it made me laugh really hardddd, I hope Jeremy (the 'name' he gave the noob climber) comes back to visit.

But of course he had to ruin it, more later

So I came home and got to blast music in my dads car and he has a reallyyyyyy good sound system so it was awesome!! Then I listened to music on our speaker in our living room and read my book, it's a good book and I love it!!

Then B texts me and ruins my evening, so he asks me to talk about something and of course I'm like sure! And then I make sure he's not immediately dying cause ya know if that's the case I'd like to know immediately. Then assuring me he isnt, he asks me "are we friends or more than friends?" And of course my stupid stupid idiotic brain decides to say "what do you think?" Instead of like "I think we're really close friends" or something elseeeeeeeeee, dude I'm gonna beat myself up about that, whatever. Then he says "Well I know you don't like the label of girlfriend buttt...." And I'm like bro!!???!??!?!? I said I don't like it idiot?!?? Why would I change my mind?!? So I'm super mad at him and then two minutes later he says "whatever you're comfortable with" and I'm like dude you're two faced. And at this point I'm on the verge of a panic attack because it stresses me out so much and idk why, so I started texting E and she ended up calling me and helped me work through it, so I'm feeling wayyy better. I am still kinda stressed but I'm having way more fun plotting his doom and consequences for consistently pushing the issue. Can't wait to see his reaction when I girl boss him!

Anyways I love E so much and I've been shattering my earphones with music for the last hour and it's been magicallll, I love it so much!! Gonna be an early morning tomorrow but I don't careee!!! All that matters is now and that's perfect for me!!

GTKYQ: hot or cold drinks? I like hot drinks more.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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