Day 31

4 1 1

Date: 18.10.21

Joke: What's green, furry, and if it fell out of a tree, it would kill you? A pool table.

Quote: "He takes a boat out, Imagines just sailing away, And not telling his mates, He wouldn't know what to say" - She by Harry Styles

Today was good. Just plain good. I was up and went to school early so I could review for a chem quiz I had first thing. I showed my teacher my Molio Kart and she loved it! We didn't do too much in any of my classes, which was sad cause I was looking forward to doing things. We did learn about quantum numbers in chem, which was fascinating to me. I actually think a career in chemistry would be amazing. It would be really interesting. I guess we'll see how this chem goes first. In Art, we had to learn how to draw textures... I was so boreedddd.

I haven't felt good for the last couple days and today was especially bad. I couldn't talk for the first half, or if I did it was like a whisper. I just had so much stuff in my throat. Then this afternoon, I had a voice but a really bad, painful cough. It was a struggle to get through the day. I made it though! I just hope it gets better soon. If im not feeling good tomorrow, I think I'll get Covid tested just in case.

Im tired and I need as much sleep as I can get because I have an MRI for my wrist really early tomorrow morning, and I'm sick. Thank you for reading!
Love you guys <3

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