Day 121

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Date: 15.1.22
Joke: Why did the banana go to the doctor? Cause he wasn't peeling well!!

Quote: "Just because I'm surviving, doesn't mean I'm thriving" - ZH (on my climbing team)

Push-up tracker: skipped mornings, did 10 after climbing no pain, had to play lazy tennis- made it hurt 4/10, stopped, skipped night pushups

today was pretty lazy. I woke up at 10, and laid around till noon. Then I got up and wore my acro comps around the house and read for a while. Then I got ready to go climb with ZH, and we went for 2 hours. We messed around on the new set (cause I was trying to break In my shoes) and I got a V6!!!! It was awesomeeee!!! In the new shoes too! And then we went to ropes and she sent her project on toprope while I tried it for the first time with 2 falls- I can get it no falls though. And then I tried my other toprope project and didn't get far at all cause I'm trying to get used to my foot placement with the new shoes and I pumped out from moving too slow. I do love my shoes, they're just super painful right now. Then we tried doing an easy slab with no hands- it was hard. And then we went up and worked out. Well, I did my workout and she kinda messed around. Then C showed up near the end so we said hi to him, which was fun.

Then I got home and we packed up and went to play lazy tennis "together," so I played for a while then my wrist started like spasm ing with pain and I stopped. I started doing sets of 2 min planks instead. I got 6 in before we had to go, on top of the 4 min one I did at climbing, I'd say pretty good. Then we left and had to stop at the store cause supposedly my bro wanted to get a Lego set, so he got a new car one and I found the cool like clear 3D puzzles- they're like see through and super hard to put together- so I was looking at those and I ended up being able to get one (just cause it's my bday)!!!! So I spent all night putting it together!!! It took.... Lemme think.... 2 and half hours?? Yeah, sounds right. It was rough but it's done and beautiful now!!!! I'm gonna try and get a pic tomorrow cause I'm exhausted.

I'm just so tired, and my toes hurt just really really bad from the climbing shoes, like more than they should. So i have to let them heal a bit. I did get my Fitbit today! I asked for one for my bday and my mom was hiding it from me even though I was asking to use it and stuff, and then my bro wanted to get a gift for me but I didn't want anything he was offering, so he ended up paying for my Fitbit, which is awesome for him and I'm thankful for it, so I got it!! I love having a watchhh!!! It's awesome!!

I'm about to just crash so thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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