Day 134

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Date: 28.1.22
Joke: Why don't cows have feet? Cause they lack toes!

Quote: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live" - Albus Dumbledore (recc. By E)

Today was really good, it has been enjoyable. I got good sleep last night and so I was refreshed and ready for the day. School was good, trying to be productive is getting kinda annoying though, but it's good. I'm having a lot of fun sitting alone outside at lunch! I got to work on my chem review today and I get more stuff done! I just don't see the point of being inside if there is an opportunity to get outside, especially during the school day. But yeah, then in English we are doing a podcast based on much ado about nothing (MAAN from now on). It was super fun doing the first episode today.

Then this afternoon I got to cuddle up in a blanket and watch the very light flurries of snow fall as I got lost in my book. It was really nice. And I'm heading to bed pretty early so I can get plenty of sleep for my climbing comp tomorrow. I don't have much to say other than I miss texting/talking to E.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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