Day 35

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Date: 22.10.21

Joke: Why can't you explain puns to kleptomaniacs? They take everything literally!

Quote: "With every single night I'd have to face, With every single dream I'd have to chase, I wonder if our love's still in the same place" - Come Back Home by Calum Scott

I hate to make this kinda short but I want to go watch TFIOS again without staying up too too late. Just as a personal treat :)

Today was pretty great, kinda boring but fun! I went to tutoring early where I did tons of math cause I have like 40 identities to memorize for this weekends test. It's a lot, not looking forward to it. Then I had chem where we celebrated mole day (technically tomorrow but wanted to celebrate it in school). We did a relay race and came up with mole puns. Then I had German where he literally didn't teach like anything. Just reviewed how to write dates in German. Then in APHuG we learned about the types of diffusion, which wasn't the most interesting. Then in art we literally did nothing, so I read Enders Game and I'm really enjoying it.

Then we had food truck day today at the end of the day. It was honestly kinda disappointing. All the teachers ramped it up so it sounded epic but it was not. I waited in line for 20 min for a place that normally has rolled ice cream with cookie dough, but they just had cookie dough, so I got that instead and it was kinda gross. Definitely didn't help my performance at climbing.

Then I got home and went to climbing. We did Boulder projecting and I got super close to getting done with my project!! Then we did Flash or trash in teams again and I got super close on 2 of 3 climbs, and got my 3rd climb! Pretty good!

Then I tried Greek/Mediterranean food tonight... sorry but I'm not a huge fan of it. Too bitter or something idk. Just not working with me.

My dad and I had a serious college discussion tonight and I wasn't a huge fan of what he said. Basically he said keep your options open and I don't necessarily have to go to the UK. Then he said, well if you go to college somewhere you need to be able to think about the long term benefits of citizenship and the perks of living there full time. And I'm like dude chill. I'm not gonna plan my life, I know I have to look into it, but it's a lot right now. So it was a good discussion to have but kinda made me irritated with the pressure he's putting on me to look at these things so early, even though I know I should look at these things.

Harry's concerts make my day every morning! And I really like knowing someone can cheer me up that much!

Also, Liams acoustic version of sunshine literally made me almost cry! It is so beautiful! 😍😭😭 please listen to it! It made my day that much better!

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

(I'm gonna watch TFIOS now ;)

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