Day 154

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Date: 17.2.22
Joke: idk time limits
Quote: "I'm better off all by myself, though I'm feeling kind empty without somebody else" - Toxic by BoyWithUke

Today has been really longgg and 99% academic. So I was up and had to fight myself to get up and out of bed. Today was beautiful and super warm outside which made biking soo funnn, I got to school early so I got to hang out outside for like 15 min before I had to go inside. It was amazingggg. Then school was blah cause it's my off day. After school, I went to APHuG tutoring where we reviewed for the unit test cause we didn't have the class time to do it. Then I came home from school in the super warm temperature!!! I ate a snack, and then started my math free response assignment. It was 4 hr and 21 min straight of math and explaining it all. No pauses. I'm literally brain dead. I mean it's cool cause it's really cool explaining the math and why you got what you got but it's still soo brain energy consuming. But I'm done!! Finallyyy!!! I think I'll do pretty good on it too! So yeah that was my day, school learning and more school. And tomorrow I've got another huge test in APHuG. That I haven't really studied for so that's f u n. But yeah I need my sleeps so I'm gonna go to sleep thanks for reading this tho

GTKYQ: when is your birthday and do you like the season it is in? Mine is Jan 22, and I really love winter cause snow is awesome but I guess fall comes pretty close.

I literally had a thought on the last question of the math cause it was asking at what point a ball would be it's highest above the ground and I was like, "hehehehe high, like on drugs da da da da da" (the da das are from Drugs by Tai Verdes) so yeah partially insane

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys<3

Ps don't die 🙃

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