Day 94

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Date: 19.12.21
Joke: What's the difference between an ice berg and a clothes brush? One crushes boats and the other brushes coats!

Quote: "Yes, there are people watching. Only when we pull apart do I see the reactions. Some people are smiling. Some are annoyed. Most don't pay attention. We don't pay attention, either. We don't care." - Someday by David Levithan

Today was fun. Not the being in a car but overall not bad. I'm gonna start by not talking about my day cause I don't feel like it right now.

I finished Someday. 😁😭it's happy and sad. It ends as best as it probably could... but it's over and I won't be able to hear from these characters again. 😭 it was so beautiful. And the end has some amazing insights and quotes that I really relate to. I plan on using them as my quotes for the next few days. This is definitely one of my favorite book series. By far. It is beautiful, but tragic but amazing but complicated all at the same time. It is the every day series by David Levithan, if you want to read it.

I don't mind being in the car, just gets kinda monotonous after a while.

Greatest Showman hits hard late at night driving in the dark. I also have Can I Have This Dance from HSM3 stuck in my head, a beautiful song as well. Love road trips too.

Here's what I did before I forget about writing about it. We were all up at like 6 this morning, then got ready and got on the road pretty quickly. My mom didn't get much sleep last night, tbh I couldn't either (love sleeping with bros who talk in their sleep constantly) but she didn't for other reasons. I'll talk about it in a sec. But we got on the road and started driving. The first bit, I watched Peter rabbit 2, then Tik tik boom. (Eliza and Angelica from Hamilton make an appearance! Overall? Kinda meh movie musical. Didn't make much sense to me but had a pretty story, once you get past the movie musical part.) then we took a break. And I watched yt for a bit on my phone. Then we took another break and we watched free guy and Ron's gone wrong together as kids. I love Ron's gone wrong so much, it's incredible. Then I stopped electronics and read someday, until I finished it. And now I'm jamming to greatest showman soundtrack.

So ya know how I said my mom didn't get much sleep? She was on the phone with my dad until like midnight or so, and it sounded like she was in tears or on the verge of tears the whole time. She was talking about how my dad was changing into someone she didn't know, and how she was scared of losing him. (At least that's what my half asleep brain picked up). I'm worried. I don't want my parents to split cause I Have noticed more tension between them lately. I doubt they'll split but it's definitely crossed my mind a lot recently. She just sounded very scared and I wish I could've been there to comfort her but I know they're trying to hide it from the kids and I didn't want to make it worse. It just makes me even more grateful to have E. Someone I can tell everything, and be open with, and whose always there for me. I don't think my parents have that close of friends anymore. I'm just grateful for Her.

I've noticed when I don't have much to do with my hands, I run them through my hair, braid my hair, or make it a mess by changing the part. It also doesn't help that my hair gets greasy fast and walking into gas stations I get weird looks cause it's kinda frizzy and all over the place.

Also I'm terrible at harmonizing when singing. I just can't keep track of my voice without getting distracted by others voices.

I love sunsets. They're an explosion of color that brings beauty to the sky. They're sadder than sunrise though because the day is ending. It brings a calm though. The day is ending on a beautiful note and the next day will start with beauty as well.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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