Day 159

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Date: 22.2.22
Joke: If you've been thinking about singing with you best friend just duet!

Quote: "Im running low, I'm sorry but I have to go" - Running Low by Shawn Mendes

Today was sooo exhausting, just I was sooo tiredddd, I have to keep this short. I biked to school in the warm rain which was super fun! Then there was school, which was meh. After school I got home and it was kinda gloomy outside, which was kinda depressing. I ate a snack then called E and did half hearted abs, then we laid around for a while listening to music. Then I found an excuse to stop being on the phone cause I wanted to take a nap. Instead I ended up watching the animated Aladdin- it's a classic. Then I did some monotonous hw while watching an assortment of Disney stuff. Then I was so exhausted I'm in bed now. I really need to sleep, I have a long day tomorrow.

GTKYQ: if you could only wear one color for the rest of your life what would it be? I'd wear blue.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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