Day 144

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Date: 7.2.22
Joke: This sentence contains exactly threee erors.

Quote: "I saw a shooting star and thought of you" - All of The Stars by Ed Sheeran

Today was good, I enjoyed it. It was kinda all over the place though. It's kinda amazing how many emotions happen in a day, but yeah, let's do this!

So school was alright I guess, the thing that got me through the day was that I only have a half day tomorrow left until I get to go ski! But yeah, In my math period I couldn't do any actual work so I just read the next chap in the textbook and took notes on it- I'm doing limits next! Limits are awesome! They're fascinating! But yeah, then we got to read childrens books in English! (We were talking about verse vs prose and their purposes with Shakespeare but made it simpler with kids books)

Then at climbing, we did the same exercise as we did all last week, but this time we did 3 laps of up/down on autobelay- so up down up down up down.... Yeah it was mind numbing. During my last one I was literally questioning my existence like "am I just made to go up and down on this forever?" So yeah, my brain had shut off about 65%, which is quite a bit. But then I did workout and I got 10 pull-ups in a row!! I haven't been able to do that in a few months! But then one of my teammates led some stretches that were nice. Then me and E went to go hang out in the woody- a little room upstairs at our gym with a spray wall and tension board- and listen to like sad songs cause we were both like in that mood, so we kinda chatted and hung out there until my parents were like waiting on me to go out, so I had to leave but it was super peaceful and I love just like chilling with her, it's amazing

But then I came home, we ate dinner, finished an ep of umbrella academy with my bro, and attempted to start packing for our trip... but it kinda failed and I didn't get very far... so yeah then I kinda laid around and now I'm headed to bed!

I really do need to go to bed, so I love you guys <3
Thanks for reading!

Ps don't die 🙃

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