Day 136

2 1 0

Date: 30.1.22
Joke: dangit stupid time limits

Quote: "I was drowning in my sorrows, But my sorrows, they learned to swim" - Until The End of the World by U2 (recc by E)

Today was pretty lazy so I'm gonna keep this short. I was up at 8.30 and E got her phone fixed!! So I got to text her and everything which was awesome! And then I read and read and read and finally finished prodigy of thunder!! It's awesome, but it leaves you on a cliffhanger! Like bro! Whyyyy! But yeah it was awesome. Then I just kinda chilled for a while, and at like 5 I finally took a shower, vaccuumed my room and caught up on my quote wall irl. It's pretty impressive rn, it's amazing. But then I made cookies with my mom and my parents finally let us watch the new suicide squad movie... I was really skeptical of it cause I got nightmares from the first one and I honestly prob will from this one too, but it was like half violence half comedy, which was an I n t e r e s t I n g combo. I prob shouldn't have stayed and watched most of it like I did, but whatever. And now I'm in bed! And can't wait till school tomorrow!

I did end up finding one of our friends who works at our climbing gym's YouTube channel! It was fun stumbling onto it!

Also also also! So I started saying I love you to B, cause I love him like I love ellie and all my friends and he finally said love you back!! He's amazing! It's been great! Can't wait till he gets back!

I don't have much else to say so thanks for reading guys!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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