Day 81

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Date: 7.12.21
Joke: What happened when the alien stepped in gum? He got stuck in Orbit!

Quote: "We've worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now" - She Looks So Perfect by 5SOS

Today started eh, but got better, ended on a good note. I had school and a freezing cold bike ride to school- by that I mean it was below freezing. My fingers were way numb by the time I got there. So I wore my gloves all day and two of my layers cause I was cold all day. The gloves were also to keep my finger tendons somewhat warm so I could climb after school. I felt like Elsa from frozen while wearing the gloves! Felt magical! I got my AP teacher to move our test back by a class so we only had to worry about 2 midterms a day instead of 3 on the first day of midterms. It's so relieving.

After school, I had to go high school climbing. I did not like it. Messed around with a few climbs. Had my parents pick me up like 30 min early cause I wasn't feeling it and I had my math call tonight. Literally hs climbing is just a whole bunch of people who don't know what they're doing messing around not doing anything productive. Most of them just sit around and talk, and it seems like a waste of time in my opinion.

I got Home, ate (I have been working on eating more, had a full stomach today! I am just letting myself snack whenever I'm hungry instead of just pushing it off all the time), and then started trying to figure my math out cause I've been confuzzled by it. And then it all clicked. You can't force the numbers to work out, just let them work out! So that made me happy. Then I asked my math teacher a quick question on the call and told her a joke. She loved it and I love it so so much!!!

"My boyfriend/girlfriend/friend is the square root of -100. They're a perfect 10 but purely imaginary!"

She laughed so hard! I told it to E when I called and chatted with her tonight too! I think it's one of my favs so far. Me and E worked on our hw on a call together and I really liked it! I got a lot of it done!

I also had a chance to watch the 5SOS show today!!! It was a pure masterpiece!!! I hate to say this but I think it was better than 1D Day.... It was just awesome! I recommend watching it if you want to laugh! It's amazing! A work of art!

Also my mom just put app limits back onnnn ahhhh I hate it. (Luckily I've had it rigged so I can use wp all the time anyways) but now I can't text E after 9.30. I mean her limit is 9.30 too so I guess we're even but still.. makes me kinda mad.

5SOS live sounds awesome  (their live album and 5SOS show). I hope I can see them on their upcoming tour. Probably not though.

West side story comes out Friday and I can't waittttt!!!! I want to go see it with E! But I guess we'll see...

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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