Day 42

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Date: 29.10.21

Joke: What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common? The same middle name!

Quote: "I will always love you for what it's worth, We'll never fade like graffiti on the overpass, And I know time may change the way you think of us, But I'll remember the way we were, you were the first full stop, Love that will never leave"- Overpass Graffiti by Ed Sheeran

Today has been quite nice except right now I'm stuck in a car driving to my climbing comp. on hour 5 of 6. Not terrible but still tiring.

School was good, I got a lot of work done. During math today, there was a guest speaker talking to a class about abuse.... It was very *pleasant* listening to that while doing math (sarcasm). In the hall, I saw Spiderman, Charmander (the Pokémon), and a ghoul. Pretty impressive costumes tbh. I got to leave English early to start driving and here I am stuck in a car.

Okay so I came up with a plan for my existential crisis I had the other night. I talked to someone that was online on liams discord and they helped me figure it out a little bit. Thanks to everyone who has helped me on here as well!! Here's my plan.

My logical awake brain says we can wait for a while but my scary deep thoughts at night part says we need to come out to someone. So my plan is this. On Halloween I am going to hang out with my climbing team, including friend E, my close friend. At some point I'm gonna pull her aside to talk privately. I'm gonna first ask her outright what her views on lgbtq are. If she doesn't support them we abort the mission. If she seems supportive, I'll come out to her as ace, not cupioromantic yet. Idk for sure if I feel romantic attraction anyways. Then, i will be out to her and only her. And she won't be allowed to tell anyone. And hopefully I can be satisfied with that for now.

Also, I may or may not have just outed my diary writing to my mom.... Should I be concerned she reads this on wp? Uh oh... I'm gonna pause for a sec and work on 8909...

*2hours later*
Okay I'm back,now I can chat again. We finally made it to the hotel, and we're on the 24th floor!! It's awesome!!! We're so high! I have unpacked a bit and we went over the schedule for tomorrow. I'm really excited for tomorrow. It will be super fun!!

Ed Sheeran's new album "=" is fire. I have had it on repeat all day. Conan grays new single "telepath" is also amazayn.

Okay, Im sorry not sorry but I'm not gonna address the Zayn situation cause it's none of our business.

On a happier note, Harry was mr twizzler at last nights concert!

I think that's everything for now. Love you guys more than you could think <3
Thanks for reading!

Ps don't die 🙃

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