Day 162

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Date: 25.2.22
Joke: What do you call a pile of quarters in a rainstorm? Climate change!

Quote: "One day we'll be happy again, And we'll be innocent, Just like when we were kids"- Take a Walk by Judah and the Lion
I'm gonna end up posting this tomorrow after adding to it a bit, but I thought I'd start it now. Today was a really good day, a really good day. Like amazing. I had school this morning which was nice cause it was productive but I also got to play blitz a couple times! It was nice, then I came home and got ready to go climbing.

Climbing was pretty fun, I mean kinda chill which I wasn't t o o happy about but ya know, it's a nice break for the most part. We Boulder projected and then did on the minute (two rounds of 8 climbs each). Then workout at the end! I finished my workout!! And I did two sets of 10 pull-ups!! I haven't been able to actually do 10 pull-ups in a row for a while!! It was awesome!!

Then we had a "pizza party/movie" after practice. I didn't end up having any pizza, just one of the cookies we had made for the team. I wasn't hungry and wouldn't be a good idea anyways. But me and ZB lasted like an episode and a half before we ended up playing gamepigeon with B and M, which was awesome! Then us four went downstairs to Boulder and ended up seeing how high of grade level we could climb in just our normal shoes... I got to v3 but I only fell cause I went for the wrong hold! I think I could've gotten v4 though. But then we went upstairs to watch a little bit more of the series thing, then once it was done, we played "football" in the woody. It was very chaotic and got too intense too fast so we stopped. Then we hid 25 more frogs around the gym and created an Insta account for them (E made the account). It was awesome!

I had tons of fun just kinda hanging with the team!! It was really fun!!

I feel so bad for E cause she was like exhausted all evening and she's got a super early morning tomorrow for an outdoor comp... she was cute and cuddly though.

Okay I'm super tired though so this is gonna wrap up tonight's entry... night!

It's the morning! Dude it's been sooo lazy but I finally remembered to finish this up, so let's see what I want to add... I think that covers most of it... it was super fun though!

GTKYQ: sunrise or sunset? I personally like sunrise cause it's more satisfying and special when you're up early!

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

Gabriella's Daily DiaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon