Day 67

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Date: 23.11.21
Joke: Why can't you give Elsa a ballon? Cause she will let it go!
Quote: "You really didn't do a thing wrong, Now I am superstitious of love" - San Francisco by The Driver Era

I'm gonna keep this fairly quick cause I have a killer headache. I was up at like 7 again, got ready for the day, and went to play lazy tennis. Then I tried playing real tennis and hurt my wrist even more. It is killing me now. We laid around for a bit then I got to drive the golf cart around the neighborhood and then be the cart driver while my dad played some golf. Then came back and went to the pool. We played the game "new phone... who dis?" Together as a family and it was pretty hilarious (we had to take out all the bad cards- about half the deck was innapropriate for younger players as a heads up). Then I "watched" Hamilton and performed it too. I had to turn it off cause I was being too loud and annoying. Then we went to go play bball again. I ready Scythe a bit while there and then talked to E for a while too. I love E. She's amazing. I miss her. And the rest of my climbing buddies too. After we left we came back and just kinda laid around some more. Ended up starting Home Sweet Home Alone with my family but didn't get to finish it.

My cousins are coming to join us tonight and I'm tired and I don't think I'll have the energy to deal with them... I guess we'll see. I've been putting myself on a strict diet and routine for my wrist. Diet cause I can't just eat junk on vacation because I have a climbing comp the weekend after we get back, and I have to ice my wrist twice a day and take anti-inflammatory stuff and wear the brace all day. I have accepted it's gonna be a long term thing.

Tomorrow Years and Years releases another single!! I can't wait cause I adore Olly's music! Also Harry was nominated for another Grammy!

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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