Day 160

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Date: 24.2.22
Joke: What worse than it pouring buckets? Hailing taxis!

Quote: "People cry, not cause they're weak, It's because they've been strong for too long"

Today was nice. I was satisfied with it. So I was up kinda late for school so I had to rush and get ready. Then I had school, and it was busy but pretty fun, I like actually doing stuff all day in my classes. During advisory we went to watch our schools black history month presentation, it was pretty cool. Then after school I had my first FELA meeting (Future Educators Leadership Academy). We are going to an elementary school on a field trip to teach them about safety! I get to see if I really want to teach kids! It's a great opportunity to explore my career options! I think it will be super fun!

Then I had climbing practice- we did the same thing we did Monday. Somehow I got myself stuck on two block holds on an 11a 😂 I didn't have feet and just kinda hung there for a while, so yeah that was fun 😂 and then I totally failed at trying to do a comp-y slab climb. Which is alright cause I had to rush cause we were running low on time. But then during strength stations I beat my finger pulling record!! I got 139! Then was consistent with my top score with the others.

After climbing I Boulder projected a little bit cause there was a new set. Then I went home. I made Mac and cheese-it was really good, and then taught my family how to play Dutch blitz because the cards came!! It's super fun!

Then I kinda chilled for a while before heading to bed.

I'm satisfied with today it was a good day. At practice I got to hang out with B and C a lot which was super nice, although I think E needed me today cause she's been super exhausted of the girl drama that tends to be started from nothing. I have tried rescuing her but I think she's drawn to it a little bit... and I kinda avoided the girls today cause I didn't want to interact with their drama and stuff. I think I felt more masculine today, cause I liked hanging with the dudes more. And then some days I love hanging with the girls. I really don't want to have a gender crisis though... it's alright, I've got friends I can trust so it's alright. I'll survive.

I'm gonna try and head to bed cause I've got another day tomorrow!

GTKYQ: if you could only wear one color for the rest of your life what would it be? I'd wear blue

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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