Day 51

2 1 0

Date: 7.11.21

Joke: What do you call birds that stick together? Vel-crow!

Quote: "I'm Eros. This is Pip... Oof, your friends are in big trouble, and we know where to find them *small smile/smirk*" - Harry Styles in Eternals

Today was quite good.
-math test
-watched Eternals!!
-yet another deep thought crisis

So today I slept in until 10 am, but it was daylight savings which means it was actually 9am. Then I had a lazy morning and made some friendship bracelets while rewatching the first two episodes of season two of freelancers. I found something that I think is funny! There is a scene where Owen says, "Have you ever been to high school?" And Devin responds, "define high school." It has the same energy as "define girlfriends" from Louis. I just love it!!!

Then I finally got ready for the day and reviewed math. Then I took my math test over vectors and law of sines/cosines and force and stuff. I got a 100!!!! I'm so happy cause I almost ran out of time!

Then we went to see Eternals!! It's so so so so so so so good! It was the first movie in a while to actually keep my attention the whole time. I thought it was amazing! Sure, there were some weak plot points but that's in all movies. And Harry at the end is just amazing!! The character Eros fits his personality really really well! In my excitement.... I may or may not have gotten a copyright claim on yt... I recorded the whole post credits scene so I could rewatch it then I uploaded it... got an email within 30 seconds of it being up saying it was copyrighted then I took it down immediately... It was a really good movie and I really liked it.

I related a lot to Sprite, one of the Eternals. They had a lot of emotions that I related to and their fashion sense was just supreme! I looked up Sprite and they are portrayed as both male and female and in the movie, they are a gender-neutral looking person, and I actually loved it a lot! They wore some sick outfits that I wish I could wear! I admire sprite and wish they had lived a better existence.

Then we just got back from Eternals, and I'm getting ready for bed. Of course the post credits scene was brilliant! I can't wait to see Harry in more MCU movies!

K so here's my deep thought crisis? Idk what to call it. I am realizing that I have sad depressing thoughts when it's late and night and I'm tired. I think I'm gonna start going to bed earlier so I can kind of avoid them for the time being. I know they're important to my emotional development but I can't stand them right now.

Let's see... I finished the inneagram test the other night when I was crying. I'm a type 4, but I hate these tests and still haven't told my friend and don't plan to for now. It exposes so much more of me emotionally. Idk if I'm ready for it cause reading about type 4's made me cry harder cause I knew it was kinda true about me.

Mmkay moving on. I have had All Too Well by TS stuck in my head and I really enjoy having it there! It's an amazayn song and can't wait for the 10 minute version! Also Ed's album has been on repeat today!

I'm gonna end this cause I'm tired and I have quizzes tomorrow! The pic above I took during climbing yesterday and it was gorgeous! Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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