Day 40

2 1 0

Date: 27.10.21

Joke: what do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?

Quote: "We would build a rocket ship And then we'd fly it far away" - Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots

I have to keep this short because it's really late. School was pretty good today. A kid did a Superman over my teachers desk and broke it in PE, and a few minutes later another kid sprinted, full speed, into a door and crumpled. (They're fine, don't worry). Pretty hilarious! Then in English we debated what the best Halloween Candy was. I had to say KitKat, sorry.

Then at rock climbing we finally did some endurance! My wrist is kinda mad at me right now but I guess we'll see how it does.

Once I got home, I had a quick snack then got to doing homework. I did some chemistry, some APHuG and then some organizing. During taking APHuG notes I started watching Legacies again. And in S3E3, Leo Howard is in it! I'm not a huge fan but I recognized him from the DisneyXD series Kickin' It. Remember it? I used to Luhve that so much. It's hilarious!

I looked at Conan Gray tickets today and my dad says we can probably get some but I guess we'll see.

My local climbing gym team's (I think I'm gonna refer to it as the official team or USAC team from now on) gear came in! We ordered Team shirts/tanktops/jackets and they are Sweeettt!!!! Wayyy better than my high school teams stuff. I love them so much I'd literally wear them anywhere.

I'm kinda tired but I'm enjoying my week a lot. It's gotten quite chilly - this morning it was 4 degrees C and this afternoon it was like 14 C, which is kinda chilly for this time of year. I do enjoy the cold though.

I've gotta to end this quickly so thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps. Don't die 🙃

Gabriella's Daily DiaryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora