Day 115

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Date: 9.1.22
Joke:What's the difference between a tiger and a lion? A tiger has the mane part missing!

Quote: "'The end doesn't always justify the means, dear,' she said. 'But sometimes it does. Wisdom is knowing the difference.'" - Thunderhead: Neil Shusterman

Push-up tracker: 5 this morning - no pain
10 shoulder tonight- no pain until 7, wrist slight pop, minor pain (2-3/10), 5 tricep pushups on knees as well, continued pain
(Sorry this is for me, so I can keep track of progress)

I'd say today was a waste of a day cause I did basically nothing. It bothers me now, but I didn't have much option at the time. I was up at 8.15 and my asleep self had turned off my alarm at like 1 am although I have no recollection of it. And it's been two nights in a row now. I guess we'll see about tonight. I laid in bed for a while and learned more about Dean's lion pride and started learning their names. The boys are Dexter, Leo, and Snow and the girls are Nayla (nie lah), kahleesi and kiara! Then there's Jay Jay and momo the monkeys as well as Kobe and Madiba the cheetahs and chukie the spotted hyena and that's all I know right now. I think he has more but the most common visitors are the Lion pride. I love his videos so muchhh it's amazinggg!! But after doing that I ate breakfast and played very casual poker with my family and ended up winning all our chips (fake- just for fun play). I am proud to have those bragging rights now! And then I took a shower and got ready for the day. After that I read for a while and "listened" to a long winded rant over text from A. She tends to be super super super over dramatic over trivial things, and so it is honestly quite funny to me seeing how she re-enacts it. I am there for her and I love her, but ya know, it gets to be a little bit overdramatic to be serious sometimes. Then, i made some crescents (little baked biscuits almost) and called E to just chat and hang out. We ended up talking for like two and a half hours. It was amazinggg I love just hanging out with her presence. Then we came back into town from the lake and I unpacked ate dinner and then I got my mom to order butora acro comps!!! I can't waittttt!! They're gonna be epic!! I got a size 6 which should fit, it's the same size as E, and they're gonna stretch out as well so yayyy!!!! And I had my mom look at watches for me, cause I have had to survive without one for like 6 months now and I'm starting to notice it. It would be nice to have one again, so I asked for one for my bday. I think she ordered one but idk. And now I'm getting ready for bed.

I've been super duper exhausted all day for the past like 3 days and it's really abnormal for me. I should try and figure it out. It's been super restless nights too. Idk, we'll see.

I'm sick and tired of not having a schedule. I reach my breaking pt at about 2 1/2 or 3 weeks. Luckily school starts again tomorrow.

I'm sooo tiredddd. I'm gonna go to bed.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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