Day 48

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Date: 4.11.21

Joke: Two goldfish were in a tank. One of them turns to the other and says, "You know how to drive this thing?!"

Quote: "Full plate, don't wait, have your cake and eat it too" - Valentine by 5 Seconds of Summer

Today was really nice! I had a lot of fun! I was up kinda late and my body decided it was that time of the month again, which is always pleasant. Then I went to school kinda early, did chemistry, and we learned about drawing Lewis diagrams (like how atoms bond together, drawing the structures with the atomic symbols). Then in German we just practiced the vocab we have worked on by playing an among us based Gimkit game. Then in APHuG, we learned the basics of the 5 major religions and how they diffused. Then in Art, we finally got to start our clay unit!! I am creating an Eiffel Tower! In 6th grade I made a mini Empire State Building and Seattle Space needle, so I'm adding to the monument theme. I think it will turn out really cool! Hopefully I can get progress pics to show you guys!

Then after school, I didn't have anything, luckily. I didn't really have any motivation to do my homework though, and I have quite a bit. Thing is, I don't really have this weekend to do it cause Saturday I'm going outdoor climbing and Sunday I have to take yet another math test. Idk. Hopefully I can get a lot of it done tomorrow in school cause I have my less important classes then.

Eternals comes out tomorrow! I can't wait!

I don't really have a ton to talk about tonight so I think I'm gonna end this here. Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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