Day 157

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Date: 20.2.22
Joke: What does Saturn sing? If you like it then you should've put a ring on it!

Quote: "Sadness helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of the world" - Sadness from Inside Out

Today not much happened but I'll tell you what did happen. I was up at 10.30 cause I had a late night and I was exhausted. I basically laid around all day. I watched a high schools production of Heathers the Musical on yt and I didn't realize that heathers was actually such a sad story, especially for such intense songs. It was the harsh reality I guess. It was good though! Then after that I took Virgil on a walk, it was more of a stroll though cause he was feeling slow today. Then I watched inside out - dude that movie is sooo iconic, I love it. After that I watched Jessie, another classic show. I will forever love them, I grew up on Disney channel like Jessie. It was amazing and still is. But yeah that's basically everything I did today. I started looking into the vamps cause I was wondering how they perform live. They're pretty good, but I guess we'll see. The good info comes when you get into the fandom so we'll see. I have a feeling they're like 5SOS though, but idk could be cool.

But yeah, tomorrow I get to hang out with E!! We're gonna go hiking cause we don't have school! It's gonna be awesomeee!!

GTKYQ: movies or tv shows?
I'd say tv shows cause there's more character/plot development and stuff.

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys <3

Ps don't die 🙃

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