Meteor Shower (PLATONIC Fundy + Eret)

455 16 4

Made on: 20th of October 2021
Published: 23rd of October 2021

Suggested: DelusionalTallKid

i have never seen a meteor shower before so i'm just going off of news articles and pics :]

did i listen to betty boop while writing this? you'll never know ;)

Fundy wiggled excitedly in his seat as he gazed upon the night sky, eyes shining just as bright as the ever burning stars.

"Calm down Fundy, the meteors aren't gonna magically disappear if you just take your eyes off of the sky for a second,"

Eret did a little jazz hand as he talked, the other hand having a practically deadly grip on the steering wheel, making a small turn into the forest as he approached the spot that they were gonna watch.

It was a small hill, not exactly small but just big enough to make you tired after walking up it, he smiled as he tapped his thumb idly on the thin cushion that covered the steering wheel.

"How much longer? I wanna see them!"

Fundy had never experienced the wonders of seeing a meteor showers in person, having to live out his dream through various videos and pictures.

"Like five minutes buddy, just sit down and get your phone out or something, we'll be there in no time,"

Eret loosely contained his childish giggles as he heard Fundy furiously rustle around in his pockets for his phone, quickly pulling it out and cradling it in his hands.

"Andddddddd we're here,"

Eret announced, not even being able to safely park the car without hearing Fundy aggressively tug on the door handle.

"Cool your jets, I need to turn off the car,"

Eret shook Fundy by grabbing his shoulder gently, only half-joking when he said the statement.

He knew that he also wasn't very contained when it came to his first meteor shower, but he thinks that Fundy is over-doing just a little bit.

As soon as the doors were unlocked and the car was off, Fundy sped out of the car and was practically bouncing on his heels repeatedly as he looked up to the sky eagerly, a pleasant smile was glued onto his face.

Eret chuckled to himself as he watched Fundy openly gawk at the starry sky, enjoying the sight of the excited boy as he leaned himself onto the hood of the car, fond smile slapped across his face before he could even recognize it.

"It's gonna start in like five minutes I think, maybe even ten if we arrived that early,"

Eret thought out loud as he locked the car and shoved the keys into his pocket.

Fundy tuned out all of Eret's words as he stumbled around the new surroundings, taking in the cold air and admiring the tall trees.


Minutes passed and as eager Fundy was to see the meteors, he was getting kind of bored.

Apparently he wasn't the only one who was getting bored, seeing Eret just sitting idly on the floor with his phone in his hands.

But thankfully he didn't need to wait much longer, seeing a weird thingy fall out from the sky.

And another one...and then another...and then another.

And soon the metors were falling from the sky gracefully one after the next, and Fundy was utterly amazed.

His phone almost slipped out of his hand as he was ogling at the sky, bouncing on his heels once again.

He could hear Eret playfully making fun of him for having such a child-like excitement, choosing to record it with his own phone because clearly Fundy was too enamored to do it himself.


Even after it was over, Fundy still felt serotonin flow through him as he just simply remembered it.

"Come on Fundy, we gotta get home,"

Eret hummed, dragging himself onto his feet and dusting off any sorts of dust or dirt that may have gotten on his butt or legs.

Word Count: 670

you know when something feels off about a chapter but you don't know what 😭

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