"Fun" Rollerskating (Bench Trio)

589 19 6

Made on: 22nd of November 2021
Published: 29th of November 2021

Suggested: alienluver123

ranboo is autistic btw :]

"If you push me one more goddamn time, I will pull off your cock and balls,"

Tubbo scowled as he tried to get up off floor, only being there because Tommy had pushed him, the boy standing all too proudly (even if his legs were still slightly shaky).

A new roller-skating place had opened up right about down the street from where Tommy lived so they had originally planned to come down here and film a quick video for the 'Tom Simons' channel, but now since the video was over with; they were just messing around.

"You've literally been skating for like twenty minutes, how are you still that bad?"

Ranboo huffed as he watched Tubbo only throw up a middle finger to him, still on the floor but now he was crawling on the floor like a toddler because he had given up on trying to stand with the roller skates on.

"I don't appreciate you two right now, you are being rude,"

Tubbo rolled his eyes as he watched Tommy extend out a hand for him to grab, only for Tommy to pull the arm away last second and for him to just end up on the floor again.

"You motherfucker-.... Ranboo! My beloved! Tell this bitch to stop being a bitch!"

Tubbo looked at Ranboo who was idly skating around the rink, enjoying the chaos from afar as he slid around the sides.

"Fuck you too then!"

Ranboo was caught off guard and ended up bumping into the wall, causing Tommy and Tubbo to end up laughing at him.

"Don't laugh at me with your wobbly legs!"

Ranboo flipped them off from where he was sitting on the floor involuntarily, trying to stand up and failing miserably.

The bickering was about to continue before they saw a worker coming towards them, a tad bit of worry prominent in their eyes.

"Uhm, sorry to interrupt you boys and your fun buttt there's like five kids outside who had spotted you from the window and said that they were fans of your channel, and really wants to meet you guys."

The person spoke with a slight shake in their voice, either being intimidated by the boys or the random kids outside.

"Okay then! We'll talk to them, uhm thanks for telling us,"

Tommy took the lead for the talking as he finally actually helped Tubbo off of the floor, putting his hands on his shoulder to try and help him sturdy himself further.

"Okay then! They'll be in the reception room, just come in there and start talking whenever you're ready,"

The worker seemed to have gained some confidence when they realized that the trio wasn't mad at them, how sweet.

"How did they even see us? The only window thingy here is like the big ol' glass doors over there,"

Ranboo stopped and pointed to the two doors that separated the reception room from the actual skating rink, of course since it was fairly new, there may have been a few flaws in design but it still didn't make any sense.

"Crazy fans man, whatcha gonna do?"

Tubbo shrugged his shoulder as he spoke, gently pushing himself towards the little door that you had to open to get in and out of the rink, sitting down onto the floor so that it would be easier to just take off the shows.

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