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    Holding my mobile phone, I stood alone in the station where people came and went. Although I was surrounded by the crowd, I felt a chill on my body.

    Sher isn't the type to joke around for no reason.

    Under this premise, his phone call became even more intriguing.

    After I defected, I spent a month or so getting along with him day and night. Although I still don't know much about him, I still know a little about the way and habits of Shir's speech.

    The phone call he just made was half a reminder and half a provocation.

    It was like a pre-hunting notice.

    I stood in a daze for a while, and suddenly seemed to remember something. I quickly opened a software on my phone and entered the account number and password.

    ——Is that the underground darknet only for cursers and killers, or did I sign up when I took on the quest with Shir before.

    As soon as the page is opened, the latest bounty leaderboard pops up immediately.

    My cold sweat immediately came down.

    The main page is sorted by the reward amount, and only the top ten of the reward list will be displayed.

    And now, I don't know when my name has taken the top two.

    ——Reward object: The curser Kano China. (Amount of reward: 300 million yen)

    ——Reward object: The curser Kano China. (Amount of reward: 80 million yen)

    Almost the moment I saw the price of the reward, my heart fell to the bottom, and it was a price that Shire couldn't refuse.

    ——At that time, Riko's bounty was only 30 million.

    My two bounties on the list are more than ten times more than hers.

    It's true that he has become an expensive curser, I couldn't help laughing bitterly.

    If Vuchel could call me at the point where I got out of the car, it means that he has a high probability of knowing my movements clearly, and even, he may have seen me.

    And I'm not Gojo Go, I can't beat him.

    Subconsciously, I wanted to call Xia Youjie and Wutiao Wu for help, but I quickly put away my phone.

    No, it's too late.

    Yokohama and Tokyo are too far away, and far water can't save near fire. However, Shi Er is likely to be monitoring my actions nearby at this time. There was no time to struggle.

    I even suspect that he just saw the timing of my order and decided to start.

    But recalling the phone call he had made at the beginning, he seemed ambiguous.

    This made me a little confused about his attitude.

    I have no choice but to choose the last gamble.

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