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Skylar Miller looked into the full length mirror standing tall in her parent's living room. She saw Magical Congress workers, mostly males in their late thirties, rushing passed one another whispering in secret of the event that took place in her once laughter filled home.
A female worker, named Johanna or Jessica or Jasmine she couldn't recall, was standing beside Skylar
"Hello sweet girl, what's your name?" Was the start of her barrage of questions
"Did you see the suspect?"
"Did you notice anything odd this week?"
"Do you have someone we can send a letter to or a patronus?"

Skylar didn't answer a single question, even if she wanted to she couldn't. Her eyes never left the mirrored image of both of her parents lying on the ground. No one had bothered to cover the bodies, afraid to lose evidence of whatever wrongdoing occurred.
Skylar was a happy kid, even when trouble found her she laughed about its existence. Her grades were always superior to those who surrounded her, something both of her parents were overly joyful about.

She looked at her reflection, her eyes finally leaving the scene of her deceased loved ones.
Her obnoxious fire red hair was dimmed, something she noticed happened when she was upset. Almost like another color was trying to appear in its place.
Her bright sea blue eyes were pale, almost white. Life was escaping her body the longer she stared at her reflection.
Her sky freckled skin was losing its stars one by one, she would have found this odd if at any other time.

Staring at the Congress worker again, she saw a male short with a grey beard whispering into her ear
"Okay I understand" she told the male, now looking at Skylar she took a deep breath. Something someone would do to calm themselves down, she was trying to keep her own emotions in the clear "hey Skylar?"

Skylar didn't answer, she just kept staring at the lady in an all red attire. She noticed details that I'm sure she's long forgotten about herself, a dimple appeared between her eyebrows when she looked beside herself at the small girl who's world was falling apart. The lady had brown eyes, the same color as the brownies that were now burning in the family oven. Her hair was cut short, Skylar noticed a mole sitting beside her left ear as the lady turned to face her

"We were able to contact your brother, Liam" she said reaching for Skylar's hand, who stepped out of reach but not out of the mirror
The lady cleared her throat
"He's going to apparate to this location and pick you up okay?"

"He can't" Skylar's first words since racing down the stairs to find the source of her parent's yelling voices

"Why's that sweetie?" The lady asked

Skylar looked from the mirror as body bags were placed over her lying parents now
"Dinners going to be started soon. Mom doesn't like when I miss dinner"

The lady picked up her hand to grab Skylar's again, she backed another step away
"Skylar...your parents are gone"

"No, they're not" she said hushing her voice "dinners going to be started soon. Mom said dad liked when she made barbecue chicken. That's what's being made tonight. She also said dad loved brownies, can you help me get them out of the oven? I burned myself last time I tried helping" Skylar showed the Magical Congress woman her arm, a large burn scarred her right forearm

"Your brother will be here any—" the lady tried to finish her sentence but was cut off by a male with a large voice booming through the front yard

Skylar recognized the voice immediately, Liam Miller her older brother by ten years. Her parents had him when they were young, her when they were more settled into their lives.
Her parents grew up in London, a town her brother still resided in. They moved her to California in America when she was under a year, the reason was unclear to why but her brother stayed behind. He worked for the Ministry of Magic in the department of Mysteries, she rarely saw him. A falling out happened with her dad and brother, details were never shared but she knew it was bad enough that he refused to visit more than once per year.
On many occasions she received letters from him, if they lived in the same country it would have been possible for them to be close. Mostly his letters were of him checking in on her, making sure their father was being kind and their mother wasn't spending time away like she did when he was growing up.
Their mother was what the wizarding world would call a muggle someone born without magical powers. Their dad was the one gifted with magic, he passed it to Liam and Skylar. Liam didn't like to think he was anything like their father, magic was the only thing they had in common in his mind.

Skylar looked back into the mirror, in time to see the front door get blasted off it's hinges and straight into the family fireplace.
Liam looked around desperately
"Sky??" He said loudly looking for her

"Dad won't be happy that he's here" Skylar said to the Congress woman "dad and him don't get along"

She watched as Liam's bright blue eyes searched the living room for his sister
When he finally locked eyes with her in the mirror he ran fast for her side.
He pulled her away from the mirror and facing him
He looked her up and down, checking for injuries
"Oh sweetheart" he said pushing her hair from her face, she noticed his hand got caught in some of her tangled red mess "what happened" he said now looking at Johanna, or was it Jennifer
It wasn't a question he asked, but a demand. He wasn't going to let them sugar coat anything, he wanted to know the exact details. Specifically asking for Skylar's safety, if anything had to do with her he would see to it to know immediately.

"We received a call from worried muggle neighbors, they heard yelling from this direction and called the authorities. We intervened and obliviated the memories of those who aren't here now. When we arrived we found Skylar clutching the bodies of your parents. She was screaming up until five minutes ago. She's not injured from what we can tell, the blood on her body seems to be from your deceased family members. We aren't sure of what happened, it's possible that a group of robbers came in. It's also possible that someone who knew your father was involved with a muggle came to assert their idea of blood purity. Being that your father worked for us, we think it's the later"

Liam didn't say anything, he kept one hand on Skylar's head as he was kneeled down to her level. His other hand stayed protectively on his Cypress wand. He had shown her a few years ago, when her magic started to form, what his wand looked like and what it meant to be a wizard. Her dad might have been a wizard but it seemed to disappoint him that both of his children ended up with his magic gene. He refused to talk about magic with her, but luckily Liam felt the opposite.

"Liam, don't let dad see you" there was panic forming in Skylar's voice "I...I've missed you, can you stay for a little? Please don't leave me" she finally found courage to move her arms again, reaching for her brother.

Liam took her into his arms and held her tightly with the hand that wasn't readying himself for battle. Seeing his little sister like this fired his blood, increasing his need to protect her from harm. Her small frame was uncontrollably shaking, she was coming down from her shock but what worried him more was the state that would be coming after.
"You're going to live with me now" he said firmly

"What about mom and dad?" She asked
Her eyes were burning, she kept rubbing at them to make the pain disappear but when she did her hands came back wet every time.
She stared at her hands confused.

Liam was watching her closely, he noticed that her eyes filled with tears only for her to push them away immediately. Eventually enough escaped down her cheeks and onto her red stained white shirt with the solar system decorating the front. At that point her breathing became labored

Liam wasn't sure what to say, fearing if he told her the truth while in her current state she would go into a full melt down. He didn't want to see his sister sent to a mental hospital over his parent's death
He sat there on his knees pondering how to speak

Being a ministry worker, he's seen and heard about stories similar to what occurred here. The children were sent to live with relatives or foster care. He was glad to be 19, old enough for the system to deem him responsible and let him care for his 9 year old sister. The last thing he would allow to happen would be for her to go to foster care. He would never see her again if fate chose that.

It seemed the Congress worker was dried up of her daily patience. She grabbed Skylar from Liam's arms and forced her to look into her eyes
"They're dead"

A heartbreaking sob pulled itself from Skylar's chest, she wasn't sure what was louder. Her strangled screams or Liam's threats to the woman who broke her

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