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"Well let's go find Skylar and Lily" James said pushing Sirius along who was still staring at Peter. Not needing another fight to break out in their group, James wanted to get them moving again. "They're probably already at the dining hall eating, which is what we should be doing"

"Skylar wouldn't have gone there. Lily maybe, but Skylar doesn't eat if she's upset" Sirius said, more things to add to his list of reasons why he felt guilty. "She's going to skip the meal and go somewhere to be alone with Lily"

"The lake?" James suggested

"No, it's too cold out there today" Sirius said, walking by a opening in the wall that let in a cool autumn breeze. Scotland got cold almost immediately, Skylar wouldn't be outside unless she was better prepared.

"The library?" Remus suggested next.

"Too obvious" James said back "Astronomy tower?"

"That's our spot, she wouldn't have gone there if she's mad at me" Sirius said turning the same corner that Skylar and Lily did moments ago.

"Who's got the map?" James said. Peter pulled it out of his bag and ran up to the group. The last one to use it always carried it around, Peter was using it while everyone slept to watch Skylar move around in her dorm.

Sirius didn't let himself dwell on why Peter was the last with the map, deciding it wasn't worth bringing up in the moment. Sirius and his group walked into an empty classroom and closed the door behind themselves.
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" Sirius said over the map with his wand. Etchings of words and footprints began to show themselves on the old parchment, names of those who surrounded them in the castle littered the map. Sirius quickly glanced over the area, looking for either Lily Evans or Skylar Potter.

"Wheeler" James said "he's about to run into them"

"Where" Sirius said, unable to hide his annoyance. James pointed to the 2nd floor, near the Library where Lily and Skylar were walking towards.

"The library huh" Remus said, voice filled with amusement. Being the only one right about where the two girls would go.

"Why is he following them??" Sirius and James both said together. They watched as the girls took a corner, so did Jackson. Until they went into the library, where he walked into as well. Sirius scrunched up the map and shoved it into Remus' hand. He heard Remus dismissing the magic in their tool. Sirius took off out of the classroom and went rushing towards the library James on his heel.

Skylar knew it was obvious for them to go into the library, but she figured if they were followed it didn't matter. Sirius couldn't accuse her of anything here and get loud with her again. Their first real fight, it made Skylar feel nauseous. Feeling the affects of their argument wearing off, she was left with guilt about it.
"Was I wrong?" Skylar asked her honest friend.

"No" Lily said back. "Sirius needs to check his temper. Quidditch isn't more important than what you have to deal with"

"It's important to him though" Skylar said reaching for a book about Scorpio's and how to deal with their tempers. "I should have been more understanding"

"Skylar you didn't do anything wrong. Though I do find it weird that Jackson wants all this time with you. James and I only go patrolling twice a week, if that" Lily said pulling a book towards her, this one was about Patronus charm. Lily wanted to get a head start on researching the technique.

"I didn't know you guys went out so little" Skylar placed her book in the same corner she's used since her first year. The sun light was beaming on her seat, warming it for her.

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