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Skylar gasped as she saw Sirius fall backwards, blood spraying from his nose. Rowan grabbed Skylar and shoved her out of the way, knocking her on her ass, and went back to attacking Sirius.
Skylar pushed off of the ground and went to grab Rowan off of Sirius but he pulled his elbow back into her face and connected with her cheek causing it swell.

Remus moved to Skylar and pulled her out of the pit as James ripped Rowan off of his best friend. Adrian jumped James, but James gave Sirius enough of an edge so now he was on top of Rowan beating into him.

The sounds of fists connecting with faces, shoes scratching the hard ground were echoing around Skylar.
"Stop" she said weaker than intended

Remus kept by her side, the scene all too familiar except this time it wasn't a drunk mob against the ministry. It was her boyfriend and her best friends defending her.

Sirius was looking for this fight, he had his opportunity now. He could have accepted Skylar dating someone else, if she was happy. He could have tried to move on, if she was safe with whoever she was with. She was with the worst human being Sirius knew, she was neither happy nor safe with Rowan.

Rowan made the mistake of hitting Sirius, now Skylar couldn't get mad at him for defending her. Sirius pounded into Rowan's face, every punch was for Skylar. Sirius wasn't a pushover, he wasn't going to let Rowan win this fight. He wasn't afraid of him. He was going to make sure Rowan didn't go anywhere near her again, this was his moment.

Rowan moved on top of Sirius and started choking him. He wanted to see the life drain from his face, he was so sick of Sirius messing with his girlfriend.
"She's mine, you'll do well to remember that" Rowan said to Sirius closing in on his face, his blood mixed with Sirius', both of their faces contorted in anger.

Sirius was shoving his hands into Rowan's face but he had him constricted. Sirius' vision was blurred but he fought against his near blackout.
"Fuck you" Sirius was able to squeeze out of his throat in between his short breaths. He had to find a way to get out of his hold, if only they learned nonverables already he would have sent him flying across the field.

The weight of Rowan was off of his body within a moment of that thought, flying across the field. Just like Sirius said he would do to him.
Sirius looked up, catching his breath, and saw Skylar next to Remus with a look of determination across her beautifully freckled face. She had her wand out facing where she sent Rowan to, ready to defend Sirius again.
Her hand was trembling but she did it, she used her wand against him. Sirius smiled through his bloodied teeth at how brave she was being.

Adrian and James were still beating the shit out of each other, but then they were separated as well.
"What in godric's name is happening?!" The voice of McGonagall yelled. The professor was storming her way from the castle towards the group, now all spread apart.

McGonagall had her wand facing James and Adrian. She then looked around at the scene and saw Rowan was pushing off of the ground and Sirius was standing tall again. She noticed the amount of blood trickling from the boys and rolled her eyes.
"Who started this fight?" She demanded of the group

Everyone pointed to Rowan except for Adrian and Skylar.
Rowan looked at Skylar and so did Sirius. Both waiting to see which side she took.
Skylar picked up her hand and pointed
"Rowan did, he attacked Sirius"

To say Rowan was mad wasn't even close. He was furious with Skylar's betrayal.
"He was hurting Skylar I was defending her" Rowan said, trying to fix her mistake

Sirius laughed
"You're a piece of shit, I'm not the one who's been..." he wanted to say more but the begging eyes of Skylar met his. It wasn't his problem to tell a Professor about. McGonagall would be the one to tell the issue to, she would see to it that Rowan got what he deserved but Sirius couldn't make that choice for her.

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