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Rowan starting laughing. James kept an eye on the situation from afar but he knew Sirius was next to Skylar and wouldn't let anything happen to her.
"Break up with me??" He said laughing still

"You heard me" she said standing tall "I'm sick of the way you treat me"

Rowan's laughter went away, seeing how serious she was about her statement he started to backpedal
"Wait Skylar"

"I said what I said" she crossed her arms over her chest. She would panic about this later, right now she needed to stand her ground.

"Can we talk? Somewhere private?" He asked, voice sweet like a spider trying to convince its prey to climb into its web "i don't want to lose you"

Skylar felt her shield slipping. His eyes softened and his stance was weak. He was showing vulnerability, something he so rarely did. She was starting to feel bad about her words, thinking she was overstepping her boundaries. Rowan put his hand out to her, waiting to see if she would grab it.

Sirius stared at her, waiting to see her slip. He was so proud of her for standing her ground but he knew she was kind and would start to feel wrong in this situation. Remus' words shifted into his mind don't make her choices for her but how could he just stand back and let Jackburn win her over again?

"We can talk privately" Skylar said, hands trembling she didn't take his outstretched one but by letting him convince her to find a private area she was already letting him win again.

"Don't Skylar" Sirius said. Fuck what Moony said he thought to himself. Remus was watching intensely, the same as Peter and James.
James had the hardest time standing down, it seemed every time he intervened in the past it worsened the situation.

"It's not fair to have this conversation in the public eye" she told Sirius. She wanted to tell him how she wanted to be with him, but she didn't want him to be looked at as a rebound. He wasn't that to her.

"Come let's go talk my sweet heart" Rowan said. Nicknames weren't something he was keen on using, the only reason he was now was to convince Skylar of his pure intention.

Sirius watched Skylar leave with Rowan. To go where he wasn't sure but she let him put his arm around her shoulders and walk beside her.
When the front door closed Sirius went for James' cloak
"I need this" he said agitated

"Wait wait" Remus said grabbing the cloak before he could reach it

"No she's going to take back what she said" Sirius said panicking "i need to go follow them"

"She's smarter than that" James said "stay here and watch her come back through that door by herself. She's going to leave him I know it"

Skylar felt stupid.
Rowan and her went to the shrieking shack, a place Remus used for his transformation and she let him kiss her. She let him touch her and whisper sweet words into her ear. She let him back in, he convinced her to let him have one more chance.

News spread of their almost breakup. Rowan made sure to walk beside her in public, never leaving her side unless it was for the class they didn't share. Even then he picked her up and dropped her off. She felt like he was more worried Sirius would show up than he was trying to impress her.

Speaking of Sirius, he was more than angry...he was infuriated. James and Remus did their best to cheer their friend up, but it was no use. They convinced him she wouldn't go back to Rowan, but she did. Nothing they said to him made him feel any better.

Skylar was drinking tea at lunch while Rowan talked about the upcoming game against Ravenclaw. She sat in her normal spot, the same one she could see the maraurder's from. Sirius didn't look her way, he avoided meeting her dark eyes. She felt a tinge of pain knowing he was avoiding her now but it was her own fault. She was so ready to move on and be with Sirius. The one who proved how much more he cared for her than Rowan but when Rowan got her alone he showed emotions that he had never shown with her.

He was sad, on the ground on his knees telling her how much she meant to him. He promised to be kinder to her, saying he didn't know how to love but wanted her to be the one to help him grow. He said all of the right things and Skylar fell into his web again.

An owl hooted it's way towards Skylar, dropping off a letter in front of her empty plate. She took the letter and passed the owl a small piece of tuna for its troubles.

Rowan was busy laughing with his friends to notice her letter but when she opened it her heart dropped.


Dont come home for Christmas. I'm sorry.


"What the hell" Skylar said, again Rowan paying her no mind. She wasn't sure why he wouldn't want to see her. Christmas was in a few days and she wanted nothing more than to go home and see him.

Skylar got out of her seat and started walking towards the owlery. She didn't wait to see if anyone followed her, she needed to write back to him immediately.


What the fuck


He had been keeping his notes short so she did too. When she sent off her letter with a school owl she felt as though someone was watching her.
"Hello?" She called out

No one answered. She didn't feel like she was in trouble with whoever it was, someone had followed her to make sure she was ok. That person saw her get up from lunch and leave quickly. That person followed her in an invisibility cloak because he wasn't ready to talk to her. He felt like a coward but he didn't want to hear her tell him off. He couldn't handle his emotions right now, he was mad that she chose Rowan again, upset because Rowan doesn't deserve her.

Sirius felt like if she wasn't going to leave Rowan, he would keep watching her from afar and be there when she needed him. He wasn't going to give up on their love story, but he wasn't going to force her hand. He knew Rowan would fuck up again. It was only a matter of time. Sirius had zero patience's for life's test but for Skylar he would wait an eternity.

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