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Skylar stayed on Sirius' lap longer than intended, needing comfort after almost losing her life to Rowan's grip. She would have lost it either way, staying or leaving, he wouldn't have let her escape with her life her own.

"Well shit" James said from behind Skylar "he really blew the exit up" James looked over the edge where stairs covered in snow had been. Now the exit was an explosion sight, dust flying around and birds reuniting to their posts.

"We can just repair it with a spell" Remus suggested

"I have a better idea" James giggled to himself

Sirius didn't move, staying still letting Skylar take whatever she needed from him. She could have been a vampire sucking his lifeforce away and he still wouldn't have moved. She needed to feel safe, he was going to provide that for her.

"Accio broom" James said

Skylar picked her head off of Sirius' shoulder and watched as James' quidditch broom raced through the open window.
"Come on Moony let's go get a Professor to retrieve jackass here, as Skylar would call him"

Remus nodded his head and dusted off his robes. The group was covered in debris and bird shit unfortunately. Though none of the guys seemed to mind being dirty.
James walked over to Skylar and kissed the top of her head, Remus did the same thing before they took off together on James' broom. Remus yelled at James for being too fast, Skylar most definitely heard James cackling in the background as they disappeared towards the castle grounds.

"What way are we taking?" Skylar asked nervous. She didn't fly, it wasn't something she was good at.

"You have two options my love" Sirius said to her, eyes swirling with affection again instead of steel.

"I'm afraid of flying" she answered

"So we will repair the exit and walk" Sirius said back

"You wouldn't let me fall...right?" Skylar asked, hair turning back to red. Her brunette was showing in her hair, her eyes had been a pale blue, signs of her struggle were always hard to cover up. No matter how much she trained her power, her emotions always over ruled her own will.

Sirius put his hand on her head and slowly ran his hands down her long hair. She winced when his fingers got stuck halfway down. He pulled his hand away immediately regretting his impulsive choice.
"I'm sorry" he said pained

She took his hand and placed it on her face, resting her soft skin into the palm of his own calloused hand. He watched as she softly closed her ocean eyes, fully confident in Sirius' ability to protect her. Skylar saw the power he held in his magic, she knew he would have destroyed Rowan completely. He had no fear of consequences, as long as she was safe, and that worried her. She didn't want to lose him over his need to defend her.
"Don't be"

"When Remus told us you left to go to the owlery, we headed there as a group immediately. He said you would be back in a short amount of time, but as he sat waiting he got nervous so he ran to find us still tossing each other in potions. The thing about Moony is that he wants to give you space to figure things on your own. He doesn't want to cloud you with his personal opinion, but that also puts you in danger"

"He didn't do anything wrong, I told him I didn't need anyone to follow me"

"I know. He told us that on our way here but he will feel guilty about the situation. I know him well enough to know what'll keep him up tonight"

"I don't like that"

"It's the way he is"

"Dumbledore told me to report anyone I thought was dangerous...should I report him?" Skylar asked looking at Rowan's cold frozen body. He would be stunned for a little while longer, she wasn't afraid of him hurting her again for the moment.
Phantom pain found its way through her skull, subconsciously she placed her hand on the spot that was wet. When she pulled back she saw she was bleeding. Adrenaline had kept her from noticing the real pain not just something her mind conjured up.

Sirius noticed her bloodied hand and ripped part of his shirt off the bottom. He wrapped his hand around it and placed his covered palm over the spot she was touching before.

Her eyes squinted, the only pain she let shine through her features.
"I'm sorry" he said again

"You didn't do anything to be sorry for"

"If I had handled things differently, you wouldn't have been in this situation" he said solemnly

Skylar put her forehead to his own
"I wouldn't have been trapped by his side if I listened to you all in the first place. This is my guilt to carry, please don't take any"

Sirius put his hand around her back, holding her close as he got off of the ground. Once he was standing tall again, he let her go gently to the ground. She was a healthy 5 foot 3 inches, Sirius was about 8 inches taller than her, tall enough to lift her off of the ground when he stood up.

"I promise I won't let you fall" Sirius said answering her question from earlier "you're always safe if you're with me. You're sure you want to fly and not walk? With your head injury I'm worried about flying"

"I'm ok" Skylar said faking a smile

He knew it was fake, but he wanted to help her over come every fear she had. He wanted to be there for her for every milestone, big or small.
"Accio Broom" Sirius called his quidditch broom over, it arrived as quick as James' did earlier.

Sirius held his broom by his side, waiting for Skylar to back out of the plan. When she didn't and came closely to the exit with him, he smiled. She took his hand and looked up at him
"Can we use a different exit?" She asked bringing curiosity to Sirius' face.

He nodded his head and let her walk them over to the window that she was being held over, the one she was traumatized in. He knew what she was doing now, making a better memory in a spot that wasn't so great.
"Are you ok?" Sirius found himself asking

"I will be" she turned to him and he watched as she took a deep breath, breathing in the moment of peace that Sirius brought to her life. Skylar left his side momentarily to go towards Rowan's stunned body. Sirius put his broom down and went to follow her but before he could get close she was already turning back towards him. He noticed she wasn't wearing Rowan's gift anymore. Skylar had ripped it off and threw it onto Rowan's chest, leaving behind his claim with his body.

Sirius picked his broom up and stood beside Skylar, waiting for her to mount it.
"Ready when you are" he said confidently

"Does it matter if I'm in the back or front?" She asked, not remembering where Remus sat

"Either is fine but I will say if you're in the front I can hold onto you better" he winked at her, bringing a smile to her face again

Skylar did a few small hops before mounting the broom, her little hoping around made Sirius chuckle.
Once she was securely holding onto the broom Sirius pushed off of the ground lightly to begin flying. Skylar's heart skipped a beat but she shook her head, getting rid of her nerves.

Sirius kissed the back of her head
"You are safe I promise" he lingered with his lips on her head for longer than James and Remus did. In this moment, she could turn around and kiss him deeply like she wanted to but she kept to looking straight ahead of them.

Sirius moved the broom, slowly at first, waiting for Skylar to back down but she didn't. So he put an arm around her middle and pulled her into his body. Tightly he held onto her as he made his broom fly faster into the now dark night sky.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now