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"Good evening, everyone. Tonight's lesson pairs quite well with the darkened skies. Dark energy and dark matter are almost impossible to observe, but they make up 95% of our universe. In fact, the universe couldn't exist without them. If you are willing to explore the darkness then let's begin!" Professor Sinister said to the class of 16 students. Sirius still had on his Quidditch uniform as did James who joined Skylar in this class. Along with the rest of the group, Remus Lily minus Peter who didn't qualify for Professor Sinister's astronomy class. Practice ended, being on a Wednesday meant they had to attend one more class which was Astronomy.

All students showed up to the Professor's class in casual outfits, the only one who allowed it to happen. Sirius was covered in dirt, but Skylar didn't mind as she held her head on his back while he took a turn looking into the telescope. Smelling of grass that was freshly rained on, the clouds let out their tears while practice happened. Skylar kept under an umbrella that she charmed to stay warm as she watched Sirius whip around the field. She was glad that James changed when practice would happen, she loved watching Sirius do something he was passionate about. Every shot he scored he flew to his girlfriend and kissed her, sometimes missing her lips and smacking into her nose or her cheek.

The Professor of this class was stern faced, but friendly. She reminded Skylar of Professor McGonagall, once you were able to break through their surfaces they were quite lovely. Astronomy class could only happen at night, or very early in the morning. Students had the ability to chose which class they wanted to participate in, as long as they took one during the 24 hour mark. Professor Sinister slept throughout the day, the only one who never attended meal time with the rest of the school. If you needed her help on assignments, you had to find her during class. Skylar and Sirius partnered together, as usual, and were found by the area they used to sleep in. When there was no scheduled class and the tower was emptied, the two lovers slept under the stars together. Skylar put her foot down on doing too much patrolling with Jackson, even though she still fears he will rat her out she hasn't found a problem yet. Spending her nights with Sirius in his dorm or the Astronomy tower, rarely in her bed now. The only time she walks around the halls is after Astronomy class and Saturday nights. Twice a week, which was what all the other Head students did. After class she had to meet with Jackson, Sirius mentioned he would bring her to him. A chance to remind Jackson again who she was with.

Skylar positioned the telescope for Sirius to look into, making sure he was able to see the dark matter Professor Sinister was mentioning.
"Has everyone had a chance to find the matter? If you look towards Jupiter you will see a rogue planet. Unlike earth where we are, rogue planets do not orbit a star. They are able to move freely around space, locating rogue planets is always complex but we are being blessed with one tonight!" The Professor said with excitement.

This time Sirius adjusted the telescope for Skylar to look into. Sirius found the small planet almost quicker than she could have.
"You found that quick" Skylar said, eyes focused on the small planet. "I'm impressed"

"I have an amazing astronomy tutor" Sirius said kissing the top of her head. Skylar felt her stomach flutter, the way it always did when Sirius complimented her. "You're going to make a great Professor"

"Look look!! The stars are flying through the galaxy!!" The Professor yelled out excitingly.

Sirius and Skylar looked from their shared telescope to watch a sea of shooting stars sprinkle into the darkness above them. Sirius pulled Skylar into his side, kissing her temple.
"Wish for something, I'll make it happen" he said to her.

Wish for something? Skylar thought to herself. What could she ask for that Sirius could bring to her?
"It's bad luck to discuss wishes that were made on stars" she said back, resting her head on his chest as he held her back.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now