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Finding Skylar was no more trouble than finding a kid in a joke shop. His first theory on where he would find the firework was in Flourish and Blotts. She cared for her academics as much as he did, she would want to spend most of her time and money on finding good books for the year.
Remus walked in, setting the door bell off as he softly moved passed other students and their parents finding their way around the shop.

He spotted Skylar in the far corner where you were allowed to read the book before purchasing, she was sitting on the ground with stacks of literature scattered around herself. Remus thought of how beautiful she looked. He appreciated her beauty but only from a platonic standpoint. He had no interest in her romantically, but he imagined if he was lucky to find someone as wonderful as her he would have hit the lottery.

Remus walked around the shop, paying her no mind at first. He picked up a few books that caught his eye, though he could not afford any new ones he brought them to where she sat criss-crossed and opened the front page joining her.

Skylar wasn't aware of anyone sitting beside her, she was trapped in the oldest version of the Witch Trails of 1692, a book that the shop owner told her was hard to find. She knew immediately she needed it, but scanning it first felt worth it. She didn't want to purchase a bad book.
After her emotional outburst she felt she needed to reel herself back in, no better way than by reading literature.

After about 4 chapters, Skylar looked to who sat beside her. She was confused, trying to recall how long Remus was with her reading his own copy of the witch trails.
"We have that in common" she said as a way of greeting, waving her copy of the book

Remus smiled
"You have good taste, I can't say I'm surprised"
He looked from the last sentence of his page, to her normal light blue eyes. Her hair was a soft shade of red, her skin was her normal pale. Skylar was relaxed again.

"Where are dumb and dumber?" She asked closing her book and opening a new one. This time it was about the Lunar phases.

"I ditched them to find you, I see you're ok again but I was worried for you. We all were truly, but I knew better than to show up with explosives in a bomb shop"

"I didn't mean to have that outburst I'm fine" she said shutting herself down again

Remus put his hand on her book and softly closed it
"It's ok to not be ok, let's talk? You always give the best advice but it's time for someone to help you for once"

Skylar looked hesitate
"I'll get over it"

"Pride is as much a sin as the rest of them" Remus said "I can just listen if you prefer? Whatever you need"

She took her bottom lip into her mouth and bite down slightly, showing off her nerves. He saw her take soft deep breaths, as if preparing for war not a conversation about the heart.
"Lily lettered me about meeting today" she started to open up

Remus thought this was a tremendous act, he's known her for years and even though she never cared to share her own problems she was there for his. She was the first one he told about being a werewolf, she didn't react one bit at his confession. He was having an awfully bad moment, she happened to walk by when he was melting down from a transformation the day before. They had only talked in passing in year one but something about the way she looked at him when he was broken made him want to talk to her. She didn't look at him with pity, but with kindness. When he let it slip that he was a werewolf she didn't back off, she stayed and talk him down the edge that was working on him. He wanted to end his life, at such a young age but he wanted it to be over. The astronomy tower was the tallest part of the castle and he knew he wouldn't survive the fall. It just happened that the astronomy tower was her favorite spot to visit and something compelled her to show up that late hour.
Since then they have had a bond, one that James and Sirius weren't aware exist. She might not even be aware of it, but Remus will never forget how Sky saved his life that night.

"We made plans to meet today to go shopping. It wasn't stated that it would be explicably us but I assumed it would have been since we hadn't seen each other in a month. I showed up at our meeting location and saw Severus there too"

Remus nodded his head, careful to not interrupt her moment of vulnerability

"This summer he didn't write to me a single day, so I assumed he was busy and didn't pay it any mind. He clearly was talking with Lily if they were together in the spot I was meeting her at. I was willing to share my time with her today, it wasn't a big deal but when I asked what the plan was they explained how they already went shopping. I was hurt, no one waited for me but specifically Lily didn't. The plan was to shop together and she went shopping with Severus instead. She offered to join me on my errands but I told her I would go alone that it wasn't a big deal"
She stopped and looked at Remus, queuing him into the conversation. She wanted his opinion now

"It was a big deal" he said starting off "you have the right to feel hurt when your friend chose someone else to spend time with. I will say I'm shocked, seeing how you two have never fought but is that because Lily has done no wrong or is it you push away feelings of hurt and betrayal for the sake of looking unaffected?"

"I don't like looking weak" she said playing with the spine of her book "if it hurts I just ignore it. I was taken back by her actions today, I couldn't handle my emotions I'll be better about keeping them in control"

"Or" he said squeezing the hand that laid on her copy of the Lunar Phases "you could voice when you feel upset. It's ok to voice your own pain"

"I don't know if I can"

"You did with me just now"

"But you weren't the problem. I would feel better about ignoring my issues, truly I overreacted"

He shook his head, his soft brown hair waving around
"Challenge yourself to be more open"

"You Gryffindors are all about challenges"
He saw her cheeks rise into a smile

"We're competitive what can I say"

"Thank you" she said softly

He nodded his head.
The two of them sat back to back reading and discussing Meteor Showers and the Cosmic Ages for what felt like the entire business hours. He knew James and Sirius were looking for them, she knew she had more shopping to get done.
But for the moment they enjoyed each other's presence and stayed doing what they loved to do.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora