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Skylar had a free period while her friends were in other classes. Lily was taking ancient runes, which Skylar dropped this year, the guys were in Transfiguration which was Skylar's worst subject ironically. She could transform her body, but ask her to make a frog into a pen and she was lost. It bothered Sirius that Skylar would be alone during this free time, to be honest it bothered her too. She hadnt thought about what she could do to occupy her time while her group was away. That's how she ended up at Professor Griffin's office while he had a free period as well. Both drinking hot tea, Skylar had the freedom to ask the burning questions she's been left with since last year. Skylar didn't feel Dumbledore was helpful to her during that point, withholding information like her brother being a part of the Death Eater group. She didn't feel he was a good listener, Griffin was on the other hand.

"You were probably picked to be a part of their group because of your Metamorphmagus powers" Griffin said sitting behind his desk, feet propped on the table. When she first asked if she could accompany him during her free period, he hesitated. The reason being that he was busy, and some days didn't have the time to spend helping her. Today he did, eating his lunch in the same hour.

"Do you think Liam told them about that?" Skylar felt anxious thinking of her brother exposing her ability. "The Liam I knew wouldn't have"

"He thought this was the only way to protect you, it's possible he's in over his head now. Dumbledore made a good point, needing someone on the inside to find information, but anyone influenced with dark magic for too long will have side effects from it. Lasting ones" Griffin said showing Skylar his neck, something she didn't notice before because of his long hair covering it. Scars covered his neck, crawling up to his face. Scars Skylar knew would never fade, much like her on her eye. Subconsciously she touched her hand to her own.
"I was reckless, almost lost my life. I hope your brother has a better time controlling the uncontrollable"

"I hope so too" Skylar said drinking her tea once again.

"Have you been practicing your skill?" Griffin asked.

"Occlumency?" She questioned.

"No, metamorphmagus. It's obvious you have some control, being that your hair and eyes were different shades last year, but how much have you tried doing? The Headmaster said you agreed to be a part of his order after school, your skill is what he wants"

"I haven't really tried being anything other than me. Minus the color of my features" Skylar said "my brother helped me to learn the basics"

"Is he a Metamorphmagus as well?" Griffin got up from his desk, Skylar followed as they left his office and classroom. The two started walking around the school, something that he did often. Once his meal was done, he had to move onto his next project. Skylar knew she could follow only to a certain spot, then she was on her own.

"No, we researched it together" Skylar said. The two passed a few Gryffindor girls, one being Marlene who waved to Skylar. She waved back, not wanting to be unfriendly but it was a wave filled with bitterness knowing she saw Sirius in the same manor. Knowing he had sex with her ignited her fire, she had to remind herself that it was years ago. It didn't matter anymore. She likes girls now. All the things Skylar had to tell herself when passing by the Gryffindor.

"I suggest you continue your research and learn how to change more than just your hair and eyes. Learn to control the way your emotions tempt your powers as well. There are some books in the restricted section about wizards who have gone to Azkaban because of that power you possess, I will write you a note so you can borrow the literature. It's important you understand where they went wrong" Griffin turned to face Skylar, he was going to Dumbledore's office the place she couldn't follow. After quickly writing her a note, he bid her a farewell and went on doing his work.

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