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Instantly she regretted going to Rowan's compartment. She should have know he would be sitting with the Slytherin Quidditch team. All of them. Including Adrian who looked at her with disgust.
"What's she doing here?" He said peeved

Rowan glanced his way but ignored him. He heard what Skylar said about Adrian and Bartemius attacking her but he honestly didn't care. Wasn't his fight to fight she seemed fine on her own.

Rowan was a chaser on the team, when she would go watch Slytherin vs Gryffindor James and him were always going after each other. She knew he would be agitated if he found her in here, but it wasn't his business to worry about. Remus would have stopped her if this was a bad idea.

Skylar listened to the guys bicker about practice and tryouts for the new year. She didn't have much to add to the conversation so she just sat and listened. Quill Littletree was sitting next to Adrian, giving Skylar the same look that he did. The same look that Skylar's entire house gives her. Quill's their captain, she knew James was the captain on Gryffindor's. The two houses have been after each other since the beginning. Skylar is constantly ridiculed by Slytherin's for hanging around so many Gryffindors. This was the first summer that she felt she could be friends with the maraurder's, excluding Remus who she always had a friendship with. Maybe instead this could be the first year she makes friends in her own house. Rowan seemed to like her.

The train was closing in on Hogwarts, Skylar knew she had to change but her bag was left in her old compartment. Getting out of her seat after not making much conversation with the rest of the guys she exited. No one said anything but Rowan watched her leave the entire time.

She walked passed Lily and Severus' door, the two of them in some sort of deep conversation. She kept going, not wanting to make peace with Lily yet. She knew her brother would tell her to, but she was feeling grudge full still. Lily left and went back to him when she could have stayed with her.

When she got to her compartment, the only one remaining in the room was Peter. She opened the door and went for her bag immediately grabbing her black robe to change into

"Where did they all go?" Skylar asked without looking at Peter
Her uniform was buried deep in her carry on bag

"Not sure" Peter lied
He was the only one who stayed behind when Sirius and James couldn't contain themselves any longer. Remus followed hoping to keep them from getting kicked off the ride

"I see" she said "well I'm going to go now"

"Are you afraid?" He asked as she was placing her hand on the handle


Peter's dark eyes met hers
"Being half blooded"

"Nope" she answered, feeling awkward under his gaze "should I be?"

Peter didn't answer, she opened the door and closed it without waiting for any more weird questions from him.
She made her way to the changing rooms and changed into her uniform. She wanted to make it quick but kept checking her hair and face before she left.
She wanted to be sure her shifting abilities were in control, if she was going to go back to Rowan's cabin she didn't want to look silly. Her hair was the perfect shade of red, something she loved and admired about herself. There weren't a lot of red heads in their school, she was the only one in Slytherin with fire hair. Gryffindor had a few including Lily, one just graduated a few years ago named Arthur Weasley.

She checked her teeth in the mirror, being sure they were white and clean of any residue. She hadn't eaten anything on the train, which wasn't normal for her. She was big into snacks and usually would have ordered the whole cart by now but she was sleeping and since then has bounced around too many compartments to catch the trolley lady.
Her metabolism was quick she wasn't worried about gaining weight, even if she did truly she could use her shifting abilities to change that. It wouldn't be permanent but it would be enough to keep her confidence.

After she felt satisfied with her looks she opened the door to go back to her bag and place her muggle clothes away. Before she could exit the bathroom she heard an argument arising. The voices were of two who she recognized immediately, James and Sirius.
The other two she noticed were Rowan and Quill. She knew this wouldn't end well, but she stayed in the bathroom to ease drop

"Stay away from Skylar" Sirius' voice boomed through her ears. Something about the way his voice pierced her being made her stomach flip.

"She's not even in your house why are you both so concerned?" Rowan said back
He had a point, they weren't really close friends either. After their Diagon Alley visit she realized she wouldn't mind being close with them. Before she was hesitate because of Lily's views on them. Now that she was more agitated with Lily she wanted to hang around the Maraurder's more. They stood up for her more times than Lily has their entire friendship

"Littletree" James said

"Potter" Quill said back

"Ready for a crushing defeat again this year?" James was cocky, something Skylar enjoyed about his personality.

"I'm ready for you to fuck off that's what I'm ready for" Quill snapped

"Where's Callius?" Sirius asked "I have something I need to discuss with him"

"Back in our compartment. Feel free to go see him, he'll kick your ass like he did with that filthy witch. I'm for one glad he taught the half blood a lesson" Quill snickered
She had forgotten that Remus was in the room when she was yelling to Lily about what happened to her.
Of course that's why Sirius and James weren't in the compartment, Remus squeeled on her.

She heard a body slam into the wall, close to the bathroom she was hiding in. Before things could get out of hand she walked out and faced the group.
No one was looking her way except Remus who walked to stand beside her
"I wouldn't get in between this" he whispered "i tried telling them to back off until school at least"

"But you also told them about what you heard" she snapped "you knew this would happen"

"I would do it again" he said looking at her "I'm trying to keep you safe. Something that those two are trying to do as well"

James had Quill pinned and Sirius had Rowan, both of the guys against the wall pushed back creating a moment of fist and chaos.
Then before it could get too far all of the boys were separated magically.
Skylar looked to see who was defusing the fight, it was Professor Slughorn their potions teacher. She knew he wouldn't make a big deal of this situation, he was relaxed for a professor. He was also the head of her house, she knew he wouldn't punish his Quidditch team before the year even begun

"Off you all go" he said shooing Remus and Skylar away from the boys "get back to your compartments"

Rowan looked at Skylar, as if waiting to see which way she was going to go.
Would she go with James and Sirius or would she go with Rowan and Quill

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