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Sirius stayed awake while Skylar slept, his hand combing through her wet hair. Reaching for his wand he used a drying spell to change that, thinking she wouldn't be able to get warm if her hair was still fresh from the shower. Having Skylar with him, breathing became natural once more. Sirius never thought he would feel so dependent on one person, that all his joy would steam from the fragile girl in his arms. His friends let them be, but he could hear them talking through the open door. Sirius could close it, but he wanted to listen. Skylar was beyond tired, he didn't think even bombarda would even wake the sleeping beauty.
"I know he expects her to be in the order meeting, but doesn't she deserve time to heal first?" James said

"The problem is, she is useful to the cause. Not in the same sense that you or your friends are" Fleamont said. He followed the group to the cottage, Remus left to get Dittany. The group had a collection of money all were able to access, Sirius and James funded it. "Her power of Metamorphmagus is rare, it's something Voldemort won't expect. She can get extremely valuable information. Did you hear a few of your year quit last week and joined his side?"

Sirius stopped moving his hand, trying to not a sound so he could listen more clear.
"Who?" James said back

"You all missed the last order meeting, it was discussed there. Adrian Callius, Quill Littletree, Jackson Wheeler, Bartemius Crouch Jr, Severus Snape" Fleamont said.

Sirius knew they would, he wasn't surprised about a single one of them joining the death eaters.
"Snape did too huh" James said "at least I know he won't bug Lily anymore" without James in school, Severus was persistent on Lily being his companion again. She wrote to James about how pushy he was being, though he knew Lily could handle herself it agitated him to no end. He was trying to make Lily see how terrible James was, Severus was completely obsessed with her. "Speaking of I need to write to her and explain what happened today" James trailed off saying.

"Of course it's a rumor, but why else would they quit school when they were so close to graduating? If they're not working with us, there is only one other solution" Fleamont said "I have to go, I'm going to tell your mother what happened today as well"

"As if she'll care" James scoffed out, Sirius agreed with him. Euphemia was nothing but cruel in the words she used against Skylar while she was gone. The papers wrote nasty things about her, Euphemia talked about agreeing with what was wrote.
Death Eater
All words that were associated with Skylar's photos. His friends shredded the papers or burned them, she might as well of hung them up. James didn't visit his mother often, twice in the last half year. The last visit he saw her smirking while reading the paper, that was when he stopped showing up to visit.

"Your mother is...stressed. She doesn't handle it well I'm aware. She needed someone to blame, unfortunately Skylar was that someone. Deep down she knows her character, maybe this will fix things for her" Fleamont said

"It's not who's real to your face, it's who stays loyal behind your back. Isn't that what you've always taught me?" James said. Sirius could hear the front door opening, only select few could freely go in and out. The ones here now were those few. "Mother is an example of that, Skylar wasn't around and instead of being supportive she chose to be...awful" James said for a lack of better term.

"Yeah, you've done well at exerting that to your life" Fleamont said his goodbyes to his son and Remus. "Tell Skylar I'm glad she's home, you know your mother's voice doesn't speak for my own right?"

"You proved yourself while she was gone Dad, none of us think that. She won't either, she saw you there today. You don't know how much that means to her" James said

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